The 080 Barcelona Fashion parade already

By : ujikiu / On : 17/02/2022

digital gateway

The 22 participating firms have recorded the videos at Espacio XC, in Esplugues, and they will be broadcast on the platform from October 25 to 28

Isabel Claros

Esplugues of Llobregat

“Alea jacta est” (the die is cast), says the Latin address. And it can also be applied by the 22 firms that have recorded the presentations of their new collections for 080 Barcelona Fashion, although it will be held from October 25 to 28.

It will be the 28th edition of the Catalan catwalk, although the third in a totally digital format. While most of the catwalks, Paris, Milan, New York, London or Madrid are recovering the physical presence of the parades and the public, which was interrupted by the pandemic, 080 Barcelona Fashion continues to bet on the digital format. “It is the will of the 080 and also of the sector”, affirms the director of the catwalk, Marta Coca.

“The digital results are working and have repercussions in the media, especially in the specialized and international ones,” she adds. The digital format has allowed us to better reach Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Mexico, because when we held the physical catwalk it was difficult for certain media to come to Barcelona, ​​in the midst of international calendars”.

Throughout the past week, Espacio XC, in Esplugues de Llobregat, has been the setting for the Fashion Films recordings. This spectacular enclave of cement arches, by the sculptor Xavier Corberó, has taken over from such emblematic places in Barcelona as La Pedrera or the Sant Pau Modernist Venue, where the last two editions took place.

The 22 firms in this edition are Custo Barcelona, ​​Avellaneda, Lola Casademunt by Maite, Guillermina Baeza, Escorpion, Lebor Gabala, Txell Miras, All that she loves, The Label edition, Y-Como, Paloma Wool, Eñaut, Is Coming, Julia G. Escribà, Eiko Ai, Antonio Marcial, LR3 Louis Rubi, Paola Molet and Álvaro Calafat. In addition to the three signatures that debut in the 080, Martin Cross, The (Real García) and Moisés Nieto.

In 2022, it is expected to return to the physical format without giving up the digital format due to the great international repercussion it entails for brands.

After the recordings now comes the task of editing the videos. "The firms are happy because they can explain their philosophy through videos, better than in the recordings of the catwalk," says Marta Coca, who assures that many international magazines have been interested in the brands of the 080 platform after see the short films "Having a single filming space gives a sense of coherence and unity, but each brand can print its DNA," says the director.

The budget for each edition of 080 Barcelona Fashion is the same whether it is held physically or digitally, it is 1.5 million euros, which is now invested in higher quality videos.

The 080 Barcelona Fashion hopes to be held again physically without giving up the digital format. “We are working and talking with the brands for 2022, announces Coca. We have learned a lot from the digital format and it would be a shame to give it up. In addition, as I have already said, it has allowed us an international recognition and positioning of the platform”. And she adds: “But despite the impressive number of views, nothing replaces physical contact, being able to meet with friends and clients of the brand or the applause at the end of each show. Perhaps we could alternate a digital edition and a physical one or be able to see the fashion films in a special place...”

For now, the next edition can be viewed from October 25 to 28 and starting on Saturday it has already begun to warm up through social networks with small previews of the collections that the firms will present.

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