Juan Herreros: "intermodal will be a valuable set of architectures, singular and coherent"

By : ujikiu / On : 01/06/2022

The project author of the project points out that the wait for the future train traveler building "will be for good"

01 jun 2021 . Actualizado a las 21:45 h.WhatsappMailFacebookTwitterComentar ·

Ten years ago he won the International Ideas Contest for the Intermodal of Santiago.But that design never executed.Instead, a solution that integrates three pieces was chosen, of which Juan Herreros (El Escorial, 1958) signs the pedestrian catwalk, already completed, and a traveler building for the train station that will be incorporated late to the set andwhich is still pending the approval of the project by the ADIF.Herreros says that it will be worth the wait for an ambitious piece and that it will include a large access place from the Rúa do Hórreo.

-What most attracts the attention of the catwalk from the outside is that huge space that separates it from the train station and that will house the new traveler building.

-That's how it is.This building is coupled to the catwalk and it will be all one.

-An time.That building and its assembly with the catwalk still wait for the Adif project.

-The Adif has to approve and present it, but that is out of my responsibility.

-It's clear.Wouldn't a coordinated execution of the three areas of the intermodal have better so that the commissioning of the set was uniform?

-Well, again it is not a matter of mine.Things are better result in every moment.They are laborious projects to execute, with different agents and teams.The good thing is to have integrated and consistent directors projects between them.I think there are guarantees that the station as a whole, the catwalk and the bus terminal will form an integrated and coherent unit that will be seen over time.It is good to have made the effort to have the projects at the same time, although its construction differs in time for reasons outside the will of the technicians.

-All that delay is worth it?

-Yes.It is a valuable set of architectures in which all pieces will have a uniqueness and will be integrated into an urban scenario that do not have all Spanish cities.You have to wait, but I think for good.

-In the reform of the train station, the city asks for a project with sufficient endowments and services, such as a wide parking.Will you respond to expectations?

-Yes.These demands have been studied and established by criteria of scientific, technical and urban dimensioned.And the set of these projects provides the number of places, docks and access that are considered necessary for the result to be satisfactory.But I would not talk about the reform of the station, but of a new traveler building, something very ambitious and of great value.It is its incorporation into the old station, all the historical pieces of the station will be integrated into the team.As the marquee, which is preserved and becomes a symbolic piece that expresses the history of the arrival of the railroad to Santiago.The new building does not give up the past of the station and adds a new contemporaneity layer.

-It also depends on the square that will give access to the catwalk through the Rúa do Hórreo.

Juan Herreros: «La intermodal será un conjunto valioso de arquitecturas, singular y coherente»

-Yes.That square can be explained as a very generous widening of the southern sidewalk of the street, which will have a more urban level and another, a little higher, that will generate the entry of travelers to the lobby of the new station.That square will have, above all, the value of being the first image that people who arrive in Santiago have of the city, and I am thinking of tourists.A generous and open space that transmits the idea of kindness that the city has with its travelers.

-And that set will respect the stone staircase that now gives access to the train station?

-Yes, the staircase will remain there.

-The end, the intermodal will preserve the packaging that transmitted the project with which the ideas contest was won ten years ago.

-I think that the spirit of that proposal has been maintained.Formalization has been different, because reality imposes its conditions.But the important thing is that the concept of building a station on the roads, which had an immediate benefit in the operability of the intermodality of the bus stations and trains, was enriched by added value, which is the direct, pedestrian and pedestrian connectionby bicycle, from the center to the neighborhoods to the south, to the Park of Las Brañas and to the city of culture.And give people who for decades have given uncomfortable surroundings a pleasant journey with which to reach the center in just a few minutes.It is something that will transform the city a lot.

"This project expresses the fight against excesses better than that of 2011"

Herreros value the restrained intermodal design against its 2011 proposal, more ambitious and spectacular.

-What was left in the drawer?

-Af which project arose at a time when issues associated with the need for a new generation of stations that had been dragging very ambitious urban projects and that they considered that they had a more transcendental role in the regeneration of the city of the city of which A which The best should have. I think it wasn't wrong. But over time we end up taking love to the new version, very similar to the original, but more measure, with less excess parallel activities or commercial programs that often distort those issues. There is a certain lesson regarding the sustainability of the operation, to the pragmatism of its mission. He does not stop playing a piece of contemporary architecture about the landscape of the city, but renounces things that ten years ago seemed more logical. The station is today more restrained and I think it expresses better the fight against today's excesses. In ten years the world has changed and maybe now inaugurate such a spectacular station could be a reason for repentance.

-In some way, what could then be interpreted as a lack of ambition to execute that project has later become clairvoyance to transform it into a work more attached to the current reality.

-Absolutely.In these ten years I have not lived a single resignation in the processes of designs of the set, comfort, accessibility, capacity.It has been like a retractable of that project ten years ago, but the retractable piece contains the same services.And I think there has been an enrichment in certain aspects that may go unnoticed and that will have a lot to do with the quality and comfort of travelers.

-Salvo the intermodal of Vigo, the rest have also been reconviring.There is the case of the Norman Foster project in Ourense.

-I seem very interesting this reflection, because in the end the idea is that the station offers the city this added value of the connection.It values nature, the Park of Las Brañas.The ravine and train tracks made it difficult for the cityAn elevators at the end, good stairs and a ramp for people with difficulty, plug a station that is very restrained but does not renounce the comfort of its services and apply an bus station.And the station is the center of gravity of all that, but not for monumentality, but by operation.

«The catwalk must have a nobility in its encounter and connection with the Rúa do Hórreo»

The author of the catwalk wishes to participate in the reform of the Rúa do Hórreo in which it flows.

-He expressed his interest in collaborating in that street reform.

-It is an urban piece to which the catwalk attends and we have no doubt that the best that can be done and that there will be professionals involved with the best desire, but we would like to be part.For affection to our project and because we have developed a love for the city of Santiago that we would not want to be interrupted.

-What solution does it propose?

-I think you will have three stages.The first is to ensure that the catwalk that now leads to a relatively narrow sidewalk has a nobility in that encounter and a connection with the other side of the Calle del Hórreo.It is more than urban furniture and paving.And there will be a second scenario, when the traveler station and that place arrive, that we know how it wants to be and that is why it seems important that in that design that is made of the street, what will happen is considered.And a third level, which is that it ends up breaking the condition of edge avenue that has the street of the grain and that is integrated as one more in the city.

-The bus station is already finished.What do you think?

-He has an architectural quality and, above all, functional notable.As the first piece of the set is very good and marks a good start level.There is also the redesign of Clara Campoamor and Plaza Street, which we have made.They are spaces that the city wins from nothing.The output of the catwalk to the Plaza de Clara Campoamor is very expressive and the symmetrical of which it has not yet been done on the other side.For once, the south wins.

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