India triumphs in a Miss Universe marked by politics and pandemic

By : ujikiu / On : 30/06/2022

The triumph of India Harnaaz Sandhu in Miss Universe today put an end to the seventieth edition of the beauty contest, which took place in the Israeli city of Eilat, and was marked by political controversies and uncertainty for pandemic restrictions.

With twenty -one years of age, 1.76 meters high, a polished English and an inspiring message for the young women of the world, the new Miss Universe was one of the favorites and went up to the Paraguayan Nadia Ferreira, which ended second,and the South African Lalela Mshane, which was third.

As an actress profession, a native of the city of Chandigarh and with her gynecologist as a model to follow, the young woman remarked on multiple occasions that if she became Miss Universe, the women of the world should not hesitate to pursue their dreams.

"As a beauty pageant we want to reach each and every one of the women who are looking at us and who hope to be the leaders of their own lives," said the winner during a press conference after the gala, in which she insisted: "If we can, they can too. ”


On the other hand, Sandhu defended the restrictions that govern different parts of the world to stop the advance of the pandemic and the mandatory vaccination and pointed out that “health must be the priority, since after all is all that is all that we have".

In a very close competition, in which the presence of the South African participant among the finalists, India dazzled the judges with their parades on the catwalk (including in swimsuit and gala dress) as with the security with whichHe answered the questions that were asked.

India triunfa en un Miss Universo marcado por la política y la pandemia

One of the peculiarities of his performance was the moment when the presenter, Steve Harvey, asked him to demonstrate his talent imitating animals of animals, to which he replied by maullanding as a cat.Asked about it, Sandhu mentioned that "one of the stereotypes that people have of the beauty competitions is that it is only about look pretty, and it is not so, it is about being yourself on stage."

In addition to the other two finalists, the winner left on the way to the representatives of Colombia and the Philippines, who integrated the group of five that reached the last cut, and the other 75 contestants who were present today in the Israeli city of Eilat.

Un certamen politizadoComo suele suceder con los eventos de esta magnitud que tienen lugar en Israel, la competencia fue precedida por una serie de controversias de tinte político.

One of them was the decision of the South African participant - which ended third - to present himself to the contest and ignore the call of the government of his country to retire and not associated with his country with Israel “for the atrocities committed against the Palestinians”.

Many critics of Israeli politics regarding the Palestinians also put the shout in heaven by considering that hosting this contest is a form of Israel to run the gaze of the conflict.

On the other hand, the presence of the representatives of Baréin and Morocco was celebrated by the Israeli media and politicians, who saw in it a sign of the growing link between these countries and Israel, after the normalization of diplomatic relations last year.

According to figures from the Ministry of Tourism, the Israeli government made a contribution of 6.5 million shéqueles (just over two million dollars) to the organization of the event, which the authorities trust contribute to increasing tourism once the borders are reopened againto foreigners and to improve the image of the country internationally.

La pandemia, una vez más protagonistaLa decisión del gobierno israelí de vetar desde hace dos semanas el ingreso de turistas para evitar la propagación de la variante ómicron del coronavirus generó inicialmente temores de que la competición se cancelara y molestia entre algunos por las excepciones otorgadas a las concursantes y a fanáticos.

The main footprint of the pandemic, however, was perceived in the stands, several of them empty against the absence of foreigners and the apparent disinterest of the local public.

On the other hand, due to the postponement last year of the previous edition of the contest, the triumph today of the Indian representative marks the end of the shortest reign in the history of Miss Universe, after the coronation of Mexican Andrea Meza in March of this year.