Hyaluronic acid: the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment

By : ujikiu / On : 06/04/2023

Concern for the image we project has led us to try various alternatives that promise to prevent the signs of aging: patches, botox, thread lifts, moisturizing creams, microdermabrasion procedures, and hyaluronic acid.< /b>

Hyaluronic acid: an idolized compound or truly magnificent?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural compound that our body produces and eliminates and, therefore, it will not detect as foreign. In humans, it is concentrated in the joints, cartilage and skin; This is composed of hydrophilicity that provides volume and turgidity to our features.

Hyaluronic acid: an idolized compound or truly magnificent?

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A third of the total amount of hyaluronic acid in the body is broken down and re-synthesized daily.

Hyaluronic acid: the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment

There are different ways to replenish it, however, as the years go by it is gradually destroyed, and it is estimated that by the age of 50 half of the hyaluronic acid in the body will have disappeared.


Advantages of this treatment

Below we will list the multiple aesthetic uses and advantages that hyaluronic acid has, which is included in the Spanish beauty portal, Marie Claire; however, it will always be best to look for a professional and completely avoid a self-application without the necessary knowledge to avoid possible inconveniences.

Duration time

Depending on the type of hyaluronic acid and the area to be treated, the result can last more or less. If it is an application to moisturize, it can last from 6 to 9 months according to the doctor in aesthetic medicine, Estefanía Bustamente, owner of the Med Esthetique center, in a previous article in this Journal. If the need is different, such as reducing dark circles, the effect can last between 6 to 10 months, on cheekbones and chin, approximately a year and a half.

Disadvantages of this treatment

Regarding the drawbacks or disadvantages of hyaluronic acid, there is a bad application or, on the other hand, that the patient is allergic.

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  1. Misapplication of hyaluronic acid: the result of a misapplication can be terrible, since the treated areas can look irregularly shaped, or have a deformed appearance.
  2. Necrosis: is a consequence of a bad application or practice. Necrosis is when the vascularization of the area is damaged (blood stops passing) and the skin dies.
  3. Allergic reaction: beforehand it is better to know specifically the components that will be applied , to avoid negative reactions.
  4. Appearance of lumps. This reaction must be monitored, although the lumps dissolve shortly after the treatment is applied, the foreign body must always be monitored.