Huila and Tolima advance in their economic recovery

By : ujikiu / On : 24/02/2023

The internationalization of the Huilense economy and investment attraction is sought.



The two departments are clear about the initiatives with which they seek a prompt reactivation.




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Seleccione el creador del articulo en configuracion del este moduloS.REDACCIÓN MÁS CONTENIDO Hora de publicación del artículoNombre del autorHora de publicación del artículoRM31 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.NPNatalia Puentes31 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.

After the attacks of the pandemic, the departments of Huila and Tolima continue to bet on a prompt recovery of the economy, so they advance in different initiatives and projects that lead them to that recovery.

On the side of Huila, the Government at the head of Luis Enrique Dussán López aims to continue with the reactivation and incentive strategies to local economic dynamics, through several institutional strategies such as 'Entrepreneurship to the Park', an office programof productivity and competitiveness, where small spaces and showcases are generated to small producers in strategic sites of the urban centers of the department municipalities.

Emprendimiento e innovación

Likewise, within the framework of the execution of the public policy of entrepreneurship and innovation created and adopted by the Government (earlier this year), from November 17 to 21 the event will be held cataloged as the largest in the southColombian: “Huila Fest 4.0 ".This is a week of academic meetings, commercial samples, business wheels, investment catwalks and approaches with financing sources (seed capital, fintech, investor Ángeles, etc.), as a strategy of impulse, promotion and strengthening of entrepreneurship and innovation in the department.To these activities is added the 'Fish Fest 2021', an academic and commercial fair of the fish sector, which will be held in the Santander Park of Neiva, which seeks to promote and support the direct marketing of small fish producers with the differentspecies that occur.As for the challenges and perspectives for 2022, the departmental administration indicates that one of the largest is to improve the levels of employment and occupation, since Huila-and more directly Neiva-have been considerably affected because of COVID-19."Economic reactivation strategies, entrepreneurship and business growth of strong and traditional productive sectors directly seek substantially improving employment and occupation levels in our department," sources from the Interior argue, whose commitment also includes the investment of millionaire resourcesof royalties obtained in 2021 in the sectors of agriculture, roads and infrastructure, education, mines and energy, sport, housing and transportation.

Proyectos en desarrollo

On the other hand, according to the Huila Chamber of Commerce, the most important perspective to boost the economy of this department in 2022 is the operation of the new concessionaire route south of the 4G Neiva - Mocoa -Santana project, with an investmentof $ 3.9 billion, to reactivate this important work, which is complemented by the projects established in the Conpes 4023 of 2021, within the 'Program to conclude, conclude, conclude', where interventions such as the transversal of the Liberator, Isnos– highlights are highlighted, is highPaletar– Popayán and the transversal of the Macarena."The biggest challenge for next year of the Huila Chamber of Commerce, in its 90 years of history, is the implementation of the" Huila E "Business Center, which will be a regional convergence and articulation space for entrepreneurship, theInnovation, appropriation of knowledge, business strengthening and the development of creative and cultural industries, where ideas come true and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants with sustainability and inclusion ”, emphasize spokesmen of the entity.And they add that another of the institutional challenges is to strengthen the Surcolombian Free Zone (ZFS), a single multisectoral in the departments of Huila, Tolima, Caquetá and Putumayo (in Palermo, Huila), a platform for the consolidation of the internationalization of the regional economyand the attraction of national and foreign investment to leverage the processes of generating value added, such as the transformation of mining derivatives, the use of supplies based on products such as coffee, cocoa and tilapia, and the installation of companies of companies oftelecommunications and construction services.

Los retos tolimenses

Huila y Tolima avanzan en su recuperación económica

For the Secretary of Economic Development of TolimCall addressed to 15 of them to promote them in this process, taking into account that in terms of exports Tolima still continues with many pending tasks.There are 21 bets that gather the main production of the department such as coffee, cocoa, avocado, meat, dairy, gulupa, mora, basil and other products that, according to the official, are necessary to continue transforming, industrializing and generating new added values added.These associations –anota– in the end will be delivered $ 10 million, represented in machinery and equipment so that they can be more competitive in their processes.The other great bet of the Government, with the aim of continuing to encourage exports and visibility of Tolimenses products abroad is 'Expo Dubái', a commercial mission that takes place every five years, and in which it will takeThe best of the department to this destination, where the most important economic fair in the world will take place and to which it has been called 'the World Economic Reactivation Fair'.For his part, the mayor of Ibagué, Andrés Fabián Hurtado, says that his administration has focused on carrying out important works of educational, sports, road and public services infrastructure, through their financing and with the purpose ofPrepare this capital as a competitive and viable city for the attraction of investment, the generation of employment and to provide its inhabitants with all the guarantees and services for their social, environmental, economic and labor development.“We have made all our effort so that this year the works of the Major Coliseum will be awarded, with an investment of more than $ 43.000 million, the racket complex, the BMX track and the weighing, among other works that exceed $ 120.000 million, additionally to educational infrastructure works that contemplate the construction of 28 institutions that will benefit more than 28.000 local students, with an investment of more than $ 200.000 million ”, indicates the burgomaster.While in the face of the prospects for 2022, the Secretary of Economic Development of Ibagué, Carmen Sofía Bonilla, says they want to continue promoting Ibagué as a tourist city, betting on the generation of investment opportunities for country housing and thus being able to develop it in a wayOrdered and environmentally sustainable, taking advantage of its investment potentials in the rural sector.Likewise, keep moving forward in making the capital of Tolimense an increasingly competitive city.“We already upload two positions in the Cities Competitiveness Index 2021.Compared to the immediately previous year, today we are among the 11 most competitive cities in Colombia and that, without a doubt, will mean more development, more investment and more employment generation opportunities for the Ibaguereños, ”says Bonilla.To this is added the commitment to the implementation of the Strategic Public Transport System (SETP), by Ibagué.In the first extent, progress will be made with semaphoric modernization in the center of the city;The second has to do with the pedestrianization of the third race, from 15 to 19th, and the third is related to the construction of stations and parallels for the fifth race, for which they seek to invest approximately $ 35.000 million.

RM31 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.NPNatalia Puentes31 de octubre 2021, 12:00 A. M.Relacionados:



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