How much does it cost to parade in Madrid?For € 6,000 it is possible to present collection. How much does it cost to parade in Madrid?For € 6,000 it is possible to present collection

By : ujikiu / On : 29/07/2022

This Monday closes, officially, that not informal-because there will be more parades on Tuesday-the 69th edition of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid, in which the most grenade of Spanish fashion has presented the collections for the next Autumn Winter.Since last January 24 and until Tuesday 29, Madrid has become the fashion capital with about 50 shows and numerous 'ad hoc' activities.Because the objective is to convert the Madrid catwalk into an international event and, at the same time, into a platform for support for national designers, which have it more difficult than in other countries by the few aid that usually exists for this sector.

While Spanish creators have, perhaps, more facilities in our country than they would have in another when it comes to parading.Because if you want they can do it by 6.000 euros, which is what the organization charges to each professional for participating in the old Cibeles catwalk.Although at that cost we must add that of the collection itself -the materials and resources to create it -is a modest amount, since it not only gives access to be able to present the garments before the public, but also to other advantages.

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As the organization has told the information, paying 6.000 euros designers ensure a site in the parade and all the added services.First, they save the salary of the models, since, if they want -because it is optional -they can work with those hired by the MBFWM, which is an important reduction of the costs.Most usually opt for this formula, although there are designers - the most consecrated - that also include some paid by them.This year it has been seen, for example, in the Pedro del Hierro parade, which was held on Saturday at the Palacio de Cibeles and had models like Blanca Padilla, one of the best Spaniards.

¿Cuánto cuesta desfilar en Madrid? Por 6.000 € es posible presentar colección ¿Cuánto cuesta desfilar en Madrid? Por 6.000 € es posible presentar colección

In addition, the organization makes available to them the entire 'backstage' service.That is, the hairdresser and makeup - who have been in charge of L'Oreal Spain for almost 20 years - and the dressing rooms.In this way, designers can get rid of all these details and concentrate on making their collections look the best possible on the catwalk.Likewise, these services can also pay for each creator on their own if they prefer to have their own hairdressing and makeup team, but most opt to trust L'Oreal because it has all the perfectly greased and centralized gear in the same operations center, which reduces the times.

In this way, the Madrid catwalk becomes one of the most affordable internationals, since the costs of parading in cities such as Paris, Milan or New York multiply.In fact, the parade that David Delfín made in New York in 2013 cost him the viability of his company, since he had to face so many expenses for taking his creations to the Big Apple that was about to close.This year, on February 4, which they call heir to that groundbreaking and disruptive legacy of the Malaga designer, Palomo Spain, parades on the same stage for the second time, although today his brand goes wind in stern and alreadyStars like Beyoncé or our Rosalia are seen.

It is clear that, for the moment, Madrid does not enjoy the visibility that the rest of international 'fashion weeks', but remains essential for Spanish brands, since it is the way to access the international market.Buyers from other countries are increasing.María Ke Fisherman, Duyos, María Escoté or The 2nd Skin.Co coexist with traditional firms such as Roberto Torretta, Hannibal Laguna or Teresa Helbig, drawing a more attractive panorama of Spanish design.

Aunque algunas de estas han sido baja en esta edición que finaliza este lunes con la entrega del Premio L'Oreal al mejor diseñador, otras nuevas, como Brain&Beast, han ocupado su lugar dando una imagen vanguardista de la Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.Thus, at the moment the curtain low.