Heart Does your hair grow very slowly?Tricks to accelerate its growth

By : ujikiu / On : 21/10/2022

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Each person is a world and, although some fortunate can boast the fast growth of their hair, others despair when they see that it does not grow to the rhythm they expected when they decided to change their cut to leave the hair long...If you are one of those who see how your hair grows more slowly than you would like, we propose some habits that can help the growth of your hair not going so slowly and that, in addition, it does it in a healthy way!.Our hair grows an average of 1 or 1.5 cm per month.While this is an average, there are peculiarities that can make you think that it does not make it so fast.

"Hair growth is divided into three phases, Anagena, the growth that can last up to four years; Catágen.In a hair we find hair fibers that are in each of these phases, although the vast majority, 80 percent, are growing.We also have to keep in mind that our body slows down some of its functions with age, our hair does not grow when we are girls when we are menopausal.Hormonal, genetic, food and even seasonal factors come into play, our hair falls more, "says M.ª José Llata de Peluquería Llata Carrera from Santa Cruz de Bezana (Cantabria).

The importance of growing healthy

Corazón ¿Tu pelo crece muy lentamente? Trucos para acelerar su crecimiento

If we have not passed through the hairdresser to cut the tips, we can cause another problem, that the hair spoils and it is necessary to cut the healthy."Despite what many people believe, cut the tips does not make hair grow faster, but healthier and if we do not and do not take care of it, over time the tips spoil and break.If you consider that the growth of your hair is slower than normal, take care of it to the maximum so as not to have to resort to scissors so frequently and avoid very strong chemical treatments as a very light color, for example.If the hair is damaged it will be inevitable to cut, "says Rafael Bueno of Rafael Bueno Peluqueros from Malaga.

The scalp can help you

The scalp function is very important for the well -being of our hair, so stimulated and care will facilitate hair growth."In the scalp our hair is anchored, so it is very irrigated, to receive the necessary nutrients so that the hair grows healthy and strong.If we stimulate the blood circulation of this area, we are favoring the entry of minerals and oxygen at the same time that we eliminate toxins.It can be activated by making a massage with the fingertips for two minutes and with the head down so that the blood flow is even greater.Also brushing him before going to sleep, "says Felicitas Ordás de Felicitas Hair from Mataró (Barcelona).

Improve our diet

A model wearing a great mane.Gtres

A balanced diet is essential to be able to give our hair everything you need to grow strong and healthy."If we want resistant and beautiful hair, we must include in our diet the proteins that we find in meats, fish, nuts and whole cereals.Vitamins A, C and E are also important, as well as minerals such as zinc, iron and omega 3 fatty acids.In addition, there are specific food supplements for hair growth and nails that will help you grow hard, "recommends Raquel Saiz Blue by Raquel Saiz from Torrelavega (Cantabria).

Be respectful of washing

It is important to have clean hair, but more washed with shampoos that respect it and do not stress it."Hair contains natural oils that hydrate and protect it.When we wash it, we eliminate this fat, so it is advisable to not wash it every day and do it with soft products.Also, take advantage of the shower to give you a scalp massage and do not forget the conditioner. Intenta no excederte con la temperatura del agua, ya que el calor deshidrata", matiza Charo García de Ilitia Beauty & Science desde Valmaseda (Vizcaya).

Softness is the key

The softness with which the hair is treated is key to its growth.Gtres

Treat your hair delicately if you want it to be calm to grow and avoid all those situations that will harm him."Avoid very hot tools such as dryers or plates because they resect and damage the hair.And if you can't avoid it, apply a thermal protector before doing so.When you comb you, you can break your hair without realizing it.And when sleeping, do it on a silk pillow case, it does not absorb the natural fat fat, therefore, it does not dry it, avoid tangles and also does not friction, "says Manuel Mon by Manuel Mon stylists from Oviedo.

[More information: Does the frizz take over your hair in summer?Practice the 'anti-frizz']

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