Hair drop: how to deal with this process and understand its causes

By : ujikiu / On : 22/11/2022

For patients who experience this type of anguish, O'Shea Brown is inclined to "ground connection techniques to train [the patient] and handle their stress symptoms outside the therapy room," he says."Although we, as therapists, cannot remove the pain, we can take that walk with the patient".

But before looking for treatments, it is important to find out what kind of hair loss is being treated.

What are the different types of hair loss in women?

Engelman explains that the hair cycle is a four -phase process: Anagen.Each hair follicle goes through this process at different times, otherwise we would lose all the hair at the same time before it began to grow again.There is no exact "normal" number of hair that emerge up to date;It depends on each person.But if normal seems to have changed and you find more hairs on pillows, clothing and even food, it could mean that your hair growth cycle has been interrupted.

According to dr.Joshua Zeichner, associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, the fall of the female pattern hair, or FPHL, is polygenic, which means that it is likely to be caused by a combination of genetic factors of both your mother and your father,Although there are other factors that can contribute to hair loss."It is important to understand if hair loss is caused only by genetics or if there are medical factors that contribute," adds Zeichner.Medical factors can be the hormonal changes that occur during perimenopause, menopause and postpartum, as well as stress, disease, weight loss and even intestinal health.

Caída del cabello: Cómo lidiar con este proceso y entender sus causas

Zeichner explains that alopecia - partial or total loss of hair - is usually divided into scar and non -scar cases.Cycatricial alopecia is caused by an inflammatory process that causes scars around follicles with permanent damage."If red spots, important chores or scabs associated with hair loss are observed, it is important to go immediately to a certified dermatologist," says Zeichner."Early treatment can avoid worsening".