Freshuelva achieves the opening of Canada for the export of strawberries from this same campaign | - Huelva Economic and Business Information

By : ujikiu / On : 12/08/2022

After several years of efforts made from Freshuelva, together with FEPEX, the map has confirmed the opening of the Canadian market to Spanish strawberries that can export this same campaign.Freshuelva's application to the opening of the Export Export File to Canada, was completed with a dossier in which the associated company Borja, S collaborated, S.l.based in Almonte and from where contacts had already begun with Canadian importers very interested in our strawberries and berries.

And it is that the Spanish government has just accepted the requirements established by Canada for the commercialization of strawberries, which are limited to a phytosanitary certificate, without additional statement, since the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has analyzed all the information provided forThe Risk Analysis of Pest for Strawberry Fruits (Fragaria X Ananassa) by the General Directorate of Health of Agricultural Production of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

In this way, the CFIA will begin the process of authorization of product imports, which will begin with an import test period during which 100% of imported Spanish strawberry shipments will be subjected to physical inspections upon reaching Canada.This import test period will have a duration that will depend on the number of inspected shipments and the compliance rate.In the same way, the CFIA will inform Spain when the test import period ends, in which inspection rates will also be normalized.

Freshuelva's manager, Rafael Domínguez, recalled that one of the main lines of work is the opening of new markets for the Huelva red fruits that allows it to continue with the growth and possibilities of expansion that the berries have, but thatYou have to go hand in hand with new marketing and transport roads.

Freshuelva logra la apertura de Canadá para la exportación de fresas a partir de esta misma campaña | - Información económica y empresarial de Huelva

Strawberry is the most important crop in the province of Huelva, with a production of more than 250.000 tons in the last campaign, of which more than 80% is exported abroad.The Huelva crop has faced strong competition from countries such as Morocco, Turkey and even the main importers, such as Germany, France or Italy, in a final phase of the Huelva campaign, which causes, precisely, that thisHave to put your end point in May, for a few years.

Undoubtedly a market of the Canada dimension could absorb a significant amount of Spanish strawberries.Our country would now have to face the challenge of designing the commercial route that led to the fruit to its destination as soon as possible and in the best quality and taste conditions.

These negotiations are framed in the Free Trade Agreement (CETA or Comprehemive Economic and Tradementoment) signed in 2017 by the European Union and Canada, in which, then the conditions will be addressed to also initiate the marketing of the blueberry.

Precisely the blueberry will also have the possibility of being exported to Brazil, once the negotiations have also carried out in this regard between the Spanish and Brazilian governments, at the request of Freshuelva.

Of the more than 250.000 tons of Spanish strawberries that were exported during the last campaign, just 8.200 were allocated to countries outside the European Union, precisely due to the lack of trade agreements such as Canada.