Fonseca to Divine Rodríguez: "You have to be located in being a scorer and not a model"

By : ujikiu / On : 24/05/2022

Drafting-The respected national player, Rolando Fonseca, sent a meaningful message to Francisco "Divino" Rodríguez, whom he praises for his talent but asks him to be located in being a scorer and not a catwalk model as It has been for many years. rival and know how to play great back. The Low. Even Heredian dismissed this last December 22.

In the last semester he registered only 103 minutes in four games, due to an injury that tormented him. In spite It was announced. It even was there that they nicknamed him as "the divine." All that has harmed the attacker, according to Fonseca, who asks him to leave all that aside.