Flamenco fashion as the maximum exponent of the 'Andalusia brand'

By : ujikiu / On : 20/03/2022

"The flamenco dress is the universal and genuine Andalusian symbol and we must put it on the rise", thus began Laura Sánchez, director of the communication agency GO! Events and Communication, the presentation of one of the most ambitious projects related to flamenco fashion in recent times. Under the name Andalucia, a fashionable destination, Sánchez, together with the director and head of GO! Events and Communication Javier Villa, has presented on the morning of this Tuesday, January 4, at the Las Casas del Rey hotel in Baeza, a joint project with the Ministry of Tourism that seeks to revitalize Andalusian fashion and give flamenco craftsmanship the place it deserves. corresponds. All this on the eve of the We Love Flamenco and SIMOF flamenco fashion catwalk celebrations.

Flamenco fashion, one of the main strongholds of Andalusia, has experienced difficult times as a result of the pandemic, being one of the most affected sectors due to its seasonality. "Flamenco fashion has not been consumed because there have been no fairs or pilgrimages this 2022, women have to dress as flamenco, even if it costs me my health," announced Javier Villa.

Moved by a feeling that flamenco fashion had been orphaned in what have been the worst years for the sector, Villa felt the need to bet on a project in which flamenco craftsmanship would be the total and absolute protagonist, and so he let it be known to Juan Marín, vice president of the Junta de Andalucía last May. "He told me about the project at the Palacio de las Dueñas, where I was able to see first-hand the works of art that are the flamenco dresses and we decided to bet on it because it is an initiative that advocates for our land, for our customs and for our traditions. ", expressed Juan Marín during the presentation of Andalusia, a fashionable destination.

 La moda flamenca como máximo exponente de la 'marca Andalucía'

In this way, Andalusia, a fashion destination is presented as a project that encompasses various activities with which to give visibility and promotion to numerous Andalusian companies, artisans and designers with flamenco fashion as the common thread. A firm commitment to giving flamenco fashion the place it deserves.

During the presentation, in addition to Laura Sánchez and Javier Villa, responsible for GO! Events and Communication and Juan Marín, vice-president of the Junta de Andalucía, the delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía, Ricardo Sánchez, and the Territorial delegate of Tourism of the Junta de Andalucía in Seville, Rosa Hernández, were also present, together with a call for guests where the associations and platforms of flamenco fashion and tourism and hospitality have been represented.

Activities within the 'Andalusia fashion destination' project

With the idea of ​​developing various activities that go beyond a catwalk or a flamenco fashion show, what this initiative seeks is to bring together actions that promote flamenco fashion as a claim and as a Andalusian brand. In this sense, a total of seven actions have been developed.

2022, the year of flamenco fashion

After two years of absolute hiatus and in which flamenco fashion has experienced its worst stage, 2022 seems like a very exciting year. In addition to the project presented by GO! Events and Communication, together with the Ministry of Tourism, flamenco fashion gradually recovers its activity with the celebration of its traditional catwalks, the first events being those of We Love Flamenco (from January 15 to 21) and Simof (from January 3 to February 6). In addition, the forecast that the fairs and pilgrimages will be held maintains the illusion and hope of one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic.