Ferrari debuts on the catwalks with an inclusive and sustainable collection of technical garments

By : ujikiu / On : 29/06/2022

By Jaime Martinez

Jun 1521

Madrid - Although many may be strange a priori, given both the engravings that are in the collective identity their renowned corporate symbols and emblems, as well as the use to which they have been given on all kinds of articlesOf merchandising, the truth is that Ferrari did not count, to date, with a fashion collection itself.A reality that ended up correcting this last Sunday, once the Italian team endedThe new generations of consumers, such as sustainability and body and gender inclusion.

Under the dazzling atmosphere built for the occasion provided by the spaces of the Ferrari production line of its Maranello headquarters, the first pieces of a fully timeless collection were announced, whose releases will be happening throughout the entire year and until next June 2022. Some garments designed by the creative director and diversification of the brand, Italian designer Rocco Iannone, with which the Italian team intends both to consolidate its aspirational image between the new generations, such as opening Towards new business routes beyond the automobile that is natural, as well as attracting new audiences, mainly linked to these new generations and, especially among them, to that female audience that has historically been further away from values ​​of the values of sports car brand. All of them to those who Iannone have sought to solve the final path of Ferrari on the fashion catwalks, in a step that must be meaningful as the beginning for the final consecration of Ferrari as a complete brand of Lifestyle.

“Seamos realistas, si entras en una tienda de Ferrari, no es por que necesites otro impermeable”, explicaba el propio Iannone a lo largo de unas declaraciones recogidas por el medio estadounidense Wwd. Sino que es porque “estás buscando algo especial”, sentenciaba el diseñador, poseedor de un gran bagaje gracias a sus años de trabajo para firmas de moda italianas como las de Giorgio Armani, Dolce&Gabbana o Pal Zileri, al que ha venido ahora a dar continuidad con este último ejercicio de sofisticación y de buen saber hacer, de clara ascendencia italiana, para Ferrari. Un excelente resultado ante los ojos de la crítica, al que sin duda han contribuido tanto el mimo y la atención por los detalles depositados por Iannone sobre cada una de las piezas, como la calidad de los tejidos, en su práctica totalidad técnicos, y el carácter artesanal de las prendas que han sabido aportar la red de proveedores y de artesanos con los que ha entrado a colaborar el diseñador. Responsable así de alumbrar un propuesta, de una calidad y una atención propias de la de cualquier gran colección digna de ser catalogada como de “Alta Costura”.

Ferrari debuta sobre las pasarelas con una colección inclusiva y sostenible de prendas técnicas

"Ferrari wants to mean as a paladin of Italian excellence and the best creativity of our country," said John Elkann, president of Ferrari."Today's parade in our factory, and the inaugurations of the Ferrari store and the‘ Cavallino ’restaurant in Maranello," must also understand "signs of the strength and optimism of Italy."A country that is currently found, and after the hard envy of the pandemic, Elkann apostilled, "prepared to grow and renew."

A collection of marked neutral gender of the "Red Ferrari"

Throughout a parade that did not hesitate to go both Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz, the two pilots of the Scuderia Ferrari in the competition of Formula 1, thus announced the first garments of this first Ferrari Fashion Collection of Ferrari.Some pieces for which Iannone, as we advanced, put special attention on values such as inclusion and sustainability.Concerns before which the new generations show special concern, to which the creative responded both through the design and materiality of some pieces, inspired by the same organic forms that the designs of the cars of the team of the team leave, for which it resorted to the use of sustainable technical tissues obtained from recycled plastic bottles, and that showed an openly inclusive aesthetic.

Composed of this way by a large majority of neutral and fluid gender garments, equally suitable for being carried by any type of body in about 80 percent, the Ferrari's man and wife collection was announced by the hand of the hand of the hand ofA parade that started with the Italian supermodel mariacala Boscono and that was responsible for closing the Russian Natalia Vodianova.Two names that well demonstrate the high level with which from Ferrari they seek to impregnate their new journey in the field of fashion, to which the rhythms of the French Frédéric Sanchez were in charge of putting music.

On this aura of electronic rhythms and futuristic designs, along the nearly 130 meters of improvised catwalk in which the Ferrari production line of Maranello became, they caught attention as the most outstanding garments of this first collection, from the Wide variety of sweatshirts, technical jackets and coats, until the presence of blouses, skirts, pants and dresses. Vanguardist pieces made from technical and natural materials, such as leather, decorated with iridescent surfaces and details and with a million and a references other than the team and its historical legacy. An easily appreciable inheritance through the different illustrations and photographs that decorate the different pieces of a collection, built on a color palette in gray, green, white and yellow Modena - one of the most characteristic colors of the team - but of the That, how could it be otherwise, it is the undisputed "Red Ferrari" that is placed as the predominant color, lighting with its fire, and with all its ferocity, the proposal.

On the occasion of this presentation, both the team and its creative director took the opportunity to finish assembling this renewed and complete “Lifestyle” of the Ferrari house, showing at the same time on the catwalk both new models of Ray-Ban glasses and shoesCougar.Both lines designed by Iannone himself, and produced under the framework of the different brand licenses granted by the team for the commercialization of a wide range of products with different reference partners.

FerrariFW21GenderlessItaliaMODA HOMBREModa mujerMODA SOSTENIBLEOTOÑO/INVIERNO 2021/2022Rocco Iannone