Extravagance of beauty in the coronation of the Queen of Independence | THE UNIVERSAL - Cartagena

By : ujikiu / On : 28/04/2022

Nataly Colón, Lester González and Antonio Viaña presented the event that had a large influx of people from Cartagena who attended the event to support their favorite.

Next, Saia Vergara, director of the IPCC, expressed words of gratitude to the public for complying with biosafety measures and enjoying the events of the Reign of Independence in a healthy way, which this year took place in record time.

Under the staging of maestro Giovanni Barandica and his folkloric ballet Calenda, the 25 candidates and the current queen danced to the rhythm of African champeta, enchanting the public with their spectacular show. Watch here: Video: the difference between the Reign of Independence and the Popular Reign

Derroche de belleza en la coronación de la Reina de Independencia | EL UNIVERSAL - Cartagena