Undertake with your mother: 4 success cases (and love for your partner)

By : ujikiu / On : 24/09/2022

“I grew up with his example, a businesswoman who left early every morning and returned almost at dinner time, with the added merit of getting a family with five children to get ahead with five children.Always tireless, unwavering to discouragement.An example of a fighter woman ".This is how Silvia Hengstenberg Girón describes her mother, Sylvia Girón, with which in 2014 she founded The Sibarist."We wanted to be much more than a real estate, a boutique brand that would accompany you and give you solutions for the whole process of your property," explains Hengstenberg, who developed his business idea as a result of wanting to sell a farm of his grandparents.

“The house was very special in a wonderful place in the Tiétar Valley.There was an economic crisis and the prospects to sell were not the most favorable, so we decidedseveral also interior designers, got to work.The house was very big, so in addition to helping my mother and my au...At that time I worked as a consultant and made business development for several luxury hotels, so we created a corporate image, website, etc..And I included it in my portfolio.The house was updated, a precious interior design project was made and we were profitable until the ideal buyer appeared.It was then that we realized that this vision of design, value and management was needed, and how could it be otherwise, our niche were the unique properties, ”concludes Silvia."This project is a personal learning school, based on respect, trust, and having their space each," adds his mother."The best partner is her.The worst is not relevant, we usually be 100% agreement on the important ”.

Emprender con tu madre: 4 casos de éxito (y de amor por tu compañera de trabajo)