It premieres "El Parade", a performative tribute to French fashion

By : ujikiu / On : 07/11/2022

How to create a bridge between French culture and Mendoza by being recipients of their customs? How to stage an idea that stems from design, but that combines different artistic disciplines?

When the actress and director Pinty Saba was asked to think of a different show to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Alliance Française, the Mendoza woman thought of fashion and design as a starting point for a different show. Thus, after a year of work, “El Desfile” emerged, a multidisciplinary performance with more than 20 artists on stage. A tribute to 100 years of French fashion, but from the creative perspective of Mendoza artists that debuts today and will offer three performances at the Ángel Bustelo auditorium.

“The initiative arose in 2020 and the Alliance Française asked me to do something for the 65th anniversary of the Alliance Française. And it occurred to me to play a theme that is never played, which is a haute couture parade of French designers, but doing a reversal, something performative. Because these iconic models cannot be reproduced, but rather make a version of ours with our artists”, details Pinty Saba who, together with the Alliance and the artists from Espacio Ficcional, which belongs to the Las Sillas theater.

From the catwalk to the stage

In this search to unite disciplines and recreate emblematic designs, “El desfile” will not only exhibit the iconic models of thirteen designers, covered by Argentine artists, but at the same time time recounts their social importance and the interesting life of these designers.

Paul Poiret, Cocó Chanel, Cristian Dior, Yves Saint Lorent, Elsa Schiaparelli, Pierre Cardin, Madame Gress, Madeleine Vionet, Hubert de Givenchy, Balenciaga, Courreges, Paul Gautier and John Galiano are the creators chosen to recreate in this proposal artistic that stands out from what was done in Mendoza.

Premieres “The Parade”, a tribute performer to French fashion

“It becomes a mega event, on a bigger stage, with a different management of the space, with other technical requirements. And at the same time it has a certain spectacularity, which can be interesting for the viewer. For example, instead of a costume parade, with each piece that is paraded there is a scene around it that poetically speaks of the reason for that costume and the designer. That is why each scene is a different journey depending on what you are seeing”, details the director.

Two iconic designs from each creator will be the protagonists of this catwalk, which combines theatricality, dance with choreography by Charly Chacon and Rubén Villegas, music and an eye on the wardrobe as the true protagonist of the scene.

“The first association I made was with the costume designers, who was Victoria Fornoni. And then when it's time to start adding artists. And in that search the possibility arose for artists from the Fictional School to perform and we put together the team with all our people. And we were adding choreographer, makeup, performance, we had all the human resources we needed. It is a sharing that integrates us, demands us and makes us all go out together as a team”.

In the setting, the props and accessories of the wardrobe are of great value, which anchor perfectly in this proposal that aims to show the creative soul of each designer, and uniting the Gallic culture from our perspective.

“The creative process was a kind of puzzle that once you change something, you have to change the rest. For me it has been a precious process, in constant evolution. And it is a good initiative to show that affinity of the French to make a cultural bridge with us. They are interested in this exchange, for them that as Argentines we propose this type of show is very valuable, because it is not that they impose their culture, but that we receive it”, concludes Pinty Saba.

“El Desfile” will have three consecutive performances, from today until Saturday, at the Bustelo auditorium. And on Friday, November 12, a double presentation, at the Caro winery, as part of the cultural agenda of ¡Viví Francia!

The File


Idea and direction: Pinty Saba.

Performers: Augusto Pachman, Valentina Mocoroa, Camila Jardel, Lucas La Rosa, Gabriel Vázquez, Brunela Corátolo, Martina Lecea, Emilia Fernández, Giuliana Rosatti, Pachi Páez and Marina Sananes.

Performances: today, Friday 5 and Saturday 6 November, at 9:30 p.m. Ángel Bustelo Auditorium (Virgen del Carmen de Cuyo 610, City). Entry: $1000. at

Friday, November 12, at