Jessica Goicoechea's bathroom, the 'it girl' rejected by the catwalk that triumphs on Instagram

By : ujikiu / On : 02/03/2022

Jessica Goicoechea has almost a million and a half followers on Instagram. And, since she has been in everything for a long time, she has become one of the very few influencers who know how to monetize her lucky star to turn her vocation into a business. She wanted to be a model at all costs and was lucky not to give size on the catwalk. That prompted her to carve out a (huge) hole in social networks to express her ability.

She now has her own fashion brand, Goi, she has launched a sports line and has been named the quintessential ambassador of the athleisure trend for her unquestionable ability to combine sportswear with more sophisticated ones. With a million and (almost) a half of followers, she takes care of her body with perseverance and daily training typical of an elite athlete.

The networks and especially Instagram have revolutionized the world of fashion

So this 24-year-old woman of explosive beauty (born November 22, 1996) who made headlines during confinement when her ex-boyfriend River Viiperi was arrested after an episode of alleged mistreatment, has definitively taken the reins of his life. She assures that her beginnings were difficult, that she felt very alone many times, that she fell and got up again, but now she is proud of herself and of everything she has achieved.

She is 167 centimeters tall, weighs 50 kilos and after having seen how many doors were closed to her because she was considered short, she now has difficulties choosing who to work with. Everyone raffles off Jessica Goicoechea, this Catalan instagramer active on the networks since 2012, who on her day took part in a short film directed by Daniel Maldonado (La Fantasia, 2017) and in the Candle video clip by Manel Navarro. And that she has, of course, also worked for firms such as Calvin Klein, Rimmel London, Calcedonia, Refresh or Puma.


She has a million and a half followers on the networks but she feels more like an entrepreneur

"The networks, and especially Instagram, have revolutionized the world of fashion. The same agencies that previously rejected me have had to change their strategies. Now they have also adapted to the new times," explains this woman with character and style. very close to the blonde from "Charly's Angels".

She did not want to disassociate herself from the world of fashion despite the fact that she was initially rejected.

No way. From a very young age, I have liked fashion. I remember that when they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always clear. Model.

If they did not accept her due to the already exceeded height criteria that reigned a decade ago, she was only three centimeters short of convincing Victoria's Secret...

Actually her VS theme has been given more hype than she actually was. It is true that they contacted me and I had a great opportunity to meet them, but being 1.67 centimeters tall was not enough for them. Even so, I am proud of having arrived where I am and what is yet to come.

Now you have your own brand, how is it, how is it born, how does it evolve, what is the purpose of Goi?

It was born from the need for people to wear clothes with which I feel identified. Risky garments, which denote strength and self-confidence. I hope that Goi, an acronym that corresponds to the first three letters of my last name, goes far, we do not set limits.

From Victoria's Secret they contacted me but measuring 1.67 for them was not enough

Was such success expected?

That was the intention really, the desire for the brand to fit into the market of this country. We are currently in full growth and as I have said before, we do not set limits.

Do you feel nostalgic for travel and luxury that have been postponed by covid or does it not affect you?

I miss having the freedom to travel for pleasure. 90% of my trips are for work and I have the need (like any person given the situation) to be able to escape for a few days to disconnect and enjoy. This would be my true luxury.

You were a pioneer in the world of Instagram... who told you about it and how did you get there?

It arose organically and naturally without looking for it and without thinking that something that started as a hobby was going to be part of my job.

Can you live only in the networks or is there more life outside?

For me, it is part of my job, but there is life outside of it. I personally do not link my private life too much with the networks but I try to involve my follower in many aspects of my life.

How do you define yourself? model? businesswoman?..

I define myself as a model and since I have my two companies, I am also a businesswoman. Both aspects link me to fashion so I am still in the world that I am passionate about.

I don't have a fixed dream, mine is to set small personal goals for myself

You have a million and a half followers, how do you take care of them? what do you do for them and what do they do for you?

I try to be myself, work on my content and make an effort so that my follower is faithful as before. The truth is that I am flattered to know that there are almost 1.5 million people who like the content I create and the image I project.

Do you feel that you have stagnated in networks or continue to grow?

I continue to grow, the pace varies depending on the season or the content on the networks, but this year I have grown and I am very happy about it.

How does that unstoppable machine feed? do they help you? has a team?

At the company level, I have a team that is currently in full growth. At the individual level, my manager is my right hand. I can finally say that I am currently surrounded by people who believe in me and my companies as a project for the future.

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Your dream in life? and professional?

I don't have a fixed dream. They are smaller personal and professional goals that I am fulfilling over time.

What do you like the most about your profession and the least?

What a difficult question! There are many things that I like, from posing in front of a camera to the process of creating one of my clothes. The least... excessive flattery in this world.

Do you feel feminist?

Yes of course, and I try to see it reflected in my networks and in Goi. I admire the society in which we live and its insatiable ability to fight to improve the gender situation in all its aspects.

What would change today and forever?

There are several situations in my past that I would like to change or not have lived through. But right now I'm happy and I wouldn't change a thing.

I am very focused on the growth of my brand and new launches

Your most immediate projects?

I am very focused on the growth of my brand and the launch of many collections that will be released shortly.

Who do you thank for what you are today?

Well, the truth to myself. Because I have fought a lot alone, I have fallen many times and I have gotten up and I have continued. That yes, always with the support of my family.

What are you reading now?

I have just finished the book My Island by Elisabeth Benavent. I have yet to start The Shadow of the Wind. I like that they leave me books and this time my father has left it to me so without a doubt this is going to be the next one that I am going to read.

If you weren't in fashion, what would you do?

I have not considered dedicating myself to anything other than fashion, so if I were not a model I would look for other jobs that would link me to the sector in some way.

Are you worried about climate change and the role that fashion plays in this field?

The truth is that I am worried that we are destroying our planet. On a personal level, he tried to change small habits that, in the long run and with everyone's help, make us leave a better world for those who come after us.

Have you thought about moving to Los Angeles to further grow your career?

I currently live in Barcelona. I love Los Angeles and would definitely live there. In fact, this year I plan to move there for a while for work.

How is the sportswear line that you are about to launch?

Due to my work I take care of my body and I train constantly, sportswear is part of my day to day so it occurred to me to create a specific line with which I would feel comfortable and follow the design patterns that I like. It is very careful, very me and comes with an incredible campaign.

The team

behind the camera

Photographer: Sergi JasanadaStyling: Daniel DavilaHairdressing and makeup: Venus PlastikProduction: Elvira PlaPhotography assistant: Cucone Acknowledgments: Eden Roc Hotel