Eduardo Navarrete's' Chinese Theatre': eclectic clothes and many famous faces in his parade in Madrid

By : ujikiu / On : 03/06/2022

Interactive, supportive, and a tribute to the Spanish magazine, so is Eduardo Navarrete's' Chinese Theatre 'collection, an eclectic proposal with winter, summer and also as a child lines, which has climbed on the gateway between performances, juggling and models like Blanca Romero, or Samantha Hudson, putting the final pin to the first day of the Mercedes-Benz fashion Week Madrid parades.

In a performance reminiscent of the cabaret of the display, actress Yolanda Ramos has become "master of ceremonies" of this particular parade, in which Navarrete "threw the house out the window" and gave birth, after nine months of work, to a collection of more than 100 winter, summer and for the first time children's garments.

Alejandro Amenábar, Asier Etxeandía, Lorena Castell, Candela Peña or the designers Lorenzo Caprile, María Escoté and Palomo Spain, jurors of the "Talent" Masters of La Costura in which Navarrete participated, have been some of the faces that have not wanted to miss the presentation of the new collection, the third consecutive of the creator on the Madrid gateway, which has hosted this afternoon the Florida Retiro space.

Interactive garments, prints and the label "made in Spain" make up Navarrete's new proposal, which has simultaneously presented clothes of both seasons, in addition to incurring for the first time a children's collection. For all this the figure of Manolita Chen has been the guiding thread, during a parade that, as it is already the designer's seal, has left the public gawed in the performance.

"for this collection I wanted to inspire myself in the circus, and the one that has always been my muse, the Alcorcón Earthquake, told me to investigate Manolita Chen's figure. I had heard of her, but what she did not know was that she gave to make one and twenty-seven collections, "explains the designer to Efe before the parade about the artist," forerunner of the uncover and the walking theatre. "

El 'Teatro Chino' de Eduardo Navarrete: ropa ecléctica y muchos rostros famosos en su desfile en Madrid

Garments printed with QR code patterns that redirect to "memes of Bethlehem were, mythical phrases by Manolita Chen and to the firm's website" contrast with 220 degree cotton T-shirts, illustrated by digital printing, shaping a diverse and avant-garde collection, but "for all audiences".

Desfile de Eduardo Navarrete en Madrid

In its chromatic range, neutral colors and intense tones such as fuchsia stand out, which rest on cowering jackets, skirts, swimsuits, dresses and fluid pants or XL sweatshirts, and that come down from the catwalk to star in easy-to-wear styles in everyday life, combining comfort and design.

"they are garments that anyone can wear and that are perfect combined with basics, while in 'total look' they are impossible, as I like," explains the designer about the collection, suitable for all tastes and with which he follows the trail of previous collections, through a good performance focused on sales whose results speak for themselves.

"we have managed in three years to create a good business infrastructure in addition to workshops, I didn't think this moment would arrive so soon," he reflects on the consolidation of his brand.

An infrastructure that is linked to knowing how to do: "I have been able to professionalize the brand in every way; we have a patron who performs digital patterns and cuts and a garment workshop that is a pass, and now we move to larger offices," he explains about this promotion as a brand that embraces new challenges, such as creating his first collection as a child.

"I wanted to launch a collection of children, but I had never been prepared to do it, now is the time and the theme is worth it," he highlights on this line, which compose from "total looks" children to T-shirts or skirts, all with the circus inspiration that permeates the new proposal, whose benefits will be allocated in part to the NGO "Payasos sin Fronteras".

"with the covid everything has been brought together, we have had more time and we have been able to generate a performance that is much better," he explains about the parade, followed by the comedian Yolanda Ramos rifando a ham, in which Manolita Chen began his shows at the Chino Theater, followed by the actress Blanca Romero dancing Flamenco, to conclude with a performance by the vedette Rosa Valenty, icon of the Spanish magazine.

With Madrileño bags in vegan NAPA leather made by Anabella Boffa and topped with corporate laths from Jabierbilboo's jeweler, and leather shoes made in Elda by Johnny Colosi, in addition to earrings and clown noses made in silver by Lamary Shop, the designer climbs to the gateway a collection that is entirely "made in Spain".

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