Córdoba: he went up to the catwalk so that he would not be run over, and they assaulted and stabbed him

By : ujikiu / On : 16/04/2022

A man was stabbed in the chest by criminals who surprised him and assaulted him to steal his motorcycle on a walkway that crosses Circunvalación Avenue, in the southern area of ​​the city of Córdoba.

The victim had to be transferred to a hospital, where she was hospitalized in a stable condition but with a reserved prognosis, the Police reported.

Meanwhile, two minor suspects were detained by police officers who had mounted an extensive operation, official sources said.

It all happened this Thursday around 8:45 am on the walkway that crosses the southern arch of the Circunvalación and connects the Olmos Sud neighborhoods with Cabo Farina, the southern fringe of the Capital.

For personal safety, Víctor Hugo Caro (54) climbed the catwalk with bars on his motorcycle and began to cross from side to side.

This is how cables are stolen in Circunvalación: these were caught

It was in these circumstances that, according to official spokesmen, he was approached by at least two criminals who demanded his motorcycle.

In the middle of the assault, they stabbed him in the thorax and took the shot from him, leaving him to his fate.

The man crawled and managed to ask for help from some people who notified the police.

Córdoba: subió a la pasarela para que no lo atropellen, y lo asaltaron y apuñalaron

Caro was assisted by an ambulance from a medical emergency service that transferred him to the Príncipe de Asturias Hospital, where he was hospitalized in stable condition.

Meanwhile, the police operation allowed the recovery of the Gilera Smash 110 cc motorcycle (red and black) in the vicinity.

In the procedure, two 15-year-olds, residents of the area, were arrested, according to reports.

Insecurity in Córdoba: armed, they rob a clothing store in San Vicente with violent threats to the vendors

Possibly, they will be taken to the Esperanza Complex, in accordance with the provisions of the Juvenile Court in charge.

Street ambushes is a criminal methodology without restraint.

In this framework, several motorcyclists have been injured.


On the other hand, a gang of thieves entered to rob a house located in the Bajo Palermo neighborhood, in the north of the Capital.

The episode happened in the last few hours at an address located on Calle Coronado at 2600.

The owner of the house indicated that, taking advantage of the fact that no one was present, some thieves managed to gain access to the property and seized a sum of money and various belongings.

Insecurity: he arrived on vacation in Córdoba and a few hours later his car was stolen

From the Police they indicated that there are no detainees.

Those who did end up arrested were two men accused of having tried to steal elements from a car parked in the Jardín neighborhood, on the southern fringe of the Capital, by using alarm inhibitors.

The procedure took place on Pablo Ricchieri avenue and Elías Yofre street, in that neighborhood.

In the procedure, a handy-type alarm inhibitor and a Peugeot 504 car in which they were driving were seized.

The detainees were taken to police headquarters and are available to justice.

Inquiry into detainee

It is expected that in the next few days the man accused of having shot a baker to rob him, in the context of a violent assault that occurred in the Alto Alberdi neighborhood, will finally be investigated.

The victim was Luciano Pipino, a young man who was shot in the abdomen and caused injuries to internal organs. The boy continues with his recovery at his house.

The delinquent, to all this, ran away from the premises located on Duarte Quirós avenue and Espora street.

After a few days, the police finally managed to find the suspect. Hugo Marcelo Martín, 53, was arrested in a house in Colinas de Vélez Sársfield.

The individual had been imprisoned for having participated in a crime in the context of an assault against an Air Force business premises.