The construction works of the new bridge that will link Belate with Larramendi will begin in May

By : ujikiu / On : 13/11/2022

The beginning of the works to build the new pedestrian and cyclist catwalk that will connect the Larramendi neighborhood with the Paseo de Belate, at the height of Arkaute, is getting closer.Adjustments have been made in the initial project for the increase in the price of construction materials, so the budget has been modified, has produced delays in the bidding deadlines and start of the work.

The new project budget amounts to 1.086.€ 389.03 (without VAT).The tender is expected to be launched before February 7 and, as the works are awarded, in May the construction of the catwalk will begin.The duration of the works will be six months.

Metal structure in height, wooden floor, LED lighting

Se prevé que comiencen en mayo las obras de construcción del nuevo puente que unirá Belate con Larramendi

The new bridge will be for pedestrians and cyclists and access to the catwalk will be made through elevators and stairs, since the catwalk will be in height, a necessary measure to deal with flooding risk.The accessibility to access the bridge will be guaranteed at all times.

The catwalk will consist of a metal structure of Corten steel beam type, a type of steel manufactured with a certain chemical composition so that oxidation has special characteristics.The floor, on the other hand, will be made of wood and will be non -slip.The catwalk will rely on two reinforced concrete stirrups that will exceed the height of the current channel wall.LED lighting will be installed to reduce light pollution and save energy.

The construction of the catwalk will have the least possible condition in the urban environment.To bring the pedestrian crossing of the Paseo de Belate to the stairs area, the zebra crossing will be built and a new one plus north will be placed, high.