Consistory and Development advance on the catwalk with Miguelurra Punto and apart

By : ujikiu / On : 18/08/2022

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the City of Ciudad Real have profiled projects related to mobility and housing projected for the city, during a meeting between the Minister of Development, Nacho Hernando, and the mayor, Eva María Masías Masías.

In it they have addressed initiatives such as the new sustainable mobility strategy or the pedestrian and cycling catwalk between Ciudad Real and Miguelturra, contemplated in the Castilla-La Mancha budget for this year, the Board reported in a statement in a statement in a statement.

A meeting to which the delegate of the Board in Ciudad Real, Carmen Teresa Olmedo;the delegate of the Municipal Government of Economy and Finance, Urbanism, Infrastructure and Maintenance, Pilar Zamora;and the councilors of Economy and Finance, and of Economic Promotion, Nicolás Clavero and Pedro Maroto, respectively.

In this context, the Minister of Development stressed that "projects such as the cycling catwalk between Ciudad and Miguelturra, so widely demanded and for so long, is already collected in the budgets to become a reality and enable communicationBetween both municipalities in a sustainable and safe way ".

Consistorio y Fomento avanzan en la pasarela con Miguelturra PUNTO Y APARTE

Likewise, both institutions have seen the mobility strategy, which "with an investment of 3.2 million charged to the Next Generation funds-Hernando explained-contemplates the implementation of low emissions areas, the urbanization of pedestrian axes, the creation of four dissuasive parking lots in height, the arrangement of cameras for the control of access and panels of variable information, to make Ciudad Real a modern and sustainable city ".

In addition, in housing, both institutions have profile the plans for regeneration and European reinvestment regarding the rehabilitation of different urban areas of the region, among which is the neighborhood of 'San Antón' of Ciudad Real.

This is an initiative promoted by the regional government and contemplates that these recovery funds serve for the rehabilitation of neighborhoods and zones, where aid can reach one hundred percent