Compulsive buyer: How to identify whether buying is becoming your addiction

By : ujikiu / On : 21/01/2023

Everything you have does not think enough.An event is approaching and you need to buy a new look.Also for that dinner with friends you have the next day.You feel that elements are missing in the decoration of your home.You think you would be better if you buy the latest version of that mobile firm that you like so much, that there is not enough food in your fridge or that a new blanket for the room could be a perfect option to welcome the season.Yes: you buy too much and you may even be a compulsive buyer.And there is even more because this behavior may be - or being becoming - into your addiction.

People who buy compulsively do repetitive attitudes without thinking about the consequences.They respond to sudden obsessions and obey native thoughts of them.They are only guided by the impulse of the moment and, when they cannot fulfill it, they feel anguish and sometimes they manifest it with aggressive or violent behaviors.

Buying is imposed, apparently, as a soothing that helps to release stress and anxiety, but the truth is that this type of behavior ends up generating long -term consequences of personal dissatisfaction, emotional ruptures and, above all, economic problems thatThey can go unnoticed but worsen over time.And not only that: but also as a consequence, in the worst case, personal relationships end up being affected.

How to identify a compulsive buyer?

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If you have arrived here reading.Before affirming or denying your answer, you can ask you some questions that help you clarify the term and compare it to your behavior...Have you ever thought if you really need all that you would like to have?Those purchases...Are they needs or whims?How many times do you buy without which you can live a month?Do you spend money for pleasure?

After reflecting these questions, the first step will be to be aware of the purchases that are made in certain periods of time.Quantify the number that are made and also how much is bought in each of these shopping days.

Compradora compulsiva: cómo identificar si comprar se está convirtiendo en tu adicción

The next task is to reflect on the feeling generated by these purchases.Is subsequent satisfaction sought?Has it been a thoughtful purchase?Could you have avoided it?

There is no identification pattern of compulsive buyers, but it is known that these acquisitions are made as the fruit of anxiety, the feeling of "not getting to" have, from the whim.

Social acceptance plays a primary role in compulsive buyers who often resort to these purchases to proud in front of other people, demonstrate that they have so much (or more) that they and find in that vacuum of self -esteem approval.Compulsive buyers try to be part of a group, to belong to it.

Most of the expenses of a compulsive buyer are usually destined to these caprices that arise occasionally.There is no specific purchase frequency.It can be once a week, once every fifteen days or even a huge purchase per month.What they do suffer is to buy without doing so.

Compulsive buyer symptoms

Namthip Muanthongthae

Compulsive purchases can often lead to negative consequences, but if they are also periodic symptoms appear.Low self -esteem is the precedent, but as a result of this other problems such as the feeling of dissatisfaction may arise the subsequent hours of making these acquisitions and guilt.These would be the low levels of the problem.

As a result of this, in addition, the behavior of a compulsive buyer can lead to an increase in stress and anxiety and, in extreme cases, lead to depression or bipolarity.

The constant changes of attitude and the inability to relate socially do not occur so regularly, but there are people in whom they manifest even at the first levels.

Tips for treating compulsive purchases

Like any problem, the first thing to find the solution is to recognize it.Take awareness of what is happening, of the real or fictitious need of that economic expense, of the use that we will give later to what is acquired and, above all, of the sensation that produces us.Frustration, stress, detachment...

You must identify your moments of vulnerability.In those circumstances in which your emotional state may be weaker, it is precisely when you must be more attentive.You are likely to look for an improvement making these purchases thinking that you will feel better later.It won't be so.

Neither in moments of excite.Find an alternative that makes you distract from that momentum moment.

You can create a list in which you notice everything you buy and another that is "your purchase list" so that you are aware of what you really should acquire and what does not.

If in addition to doing all this the problem persists and you feel that you are not able to control it, then you must resort to specialists and professionals to help you treat it.Buying is one more addiction: it doesn't matter what, but how much matters.Do not be ashamed to tell what happens to you and seek help.Your health will appreciate it.

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