Comedy Theater: works for its recovery are advancing

By : ujikiu / On : 10/03/2023

The Municipality of Córdoba is advancing in the recovery of the city's centenary Teatro Comedia, located at 254 Rivadavia street. Today, the tasks are focused on removing the 500 square meters of roofs for later replacement.

The existing ceiling did not meet the minimum requirements for the load of the air conditioning equipment, acoustic ceilings and technical walkways of the building. Nor did they have a sufficient watertight slope, so in addition to their replacement, the beams will be raised to increase the degree of inclination.

This is a pivotal stage of the work that is scheduled to take 60 days to complete. With the new roofs installed, and without the risk of rain leaks inside the building, the completion of electrical, sanitary, flooring, siding, Durlock installations and the placement of thermal conditioning equipment will proceed.

Comedy Theatre: works advance for its recovery

At this time, the works that were reactivated in March 2021 present an advance of 45%. The investment is $309 million.

Among the new facilities and infrastructure, the Comedy Theater has stalls and stands; concrete slabs in rehearsal rooms, stairwells, elevator partitions, water tanks and dressing rooms; compact granite flooring in the basement and machine room; and sanitary facilities.