By : ujikiu / On : 07/07/2022

Castril is a town of lovely Granada, with its white houses, surrounded by parks with poetic names, streets that in spring are scented with jasmine and geraniums, a Renaissance church, consecrated to Our Lady of Los Angeles, and a mountainous rock where centuries agoThere was a castle and today a viewpoint with a view to the Altiplano and the Guempar region.But the true meaning of the town is in their river, which passes in the middle of it, watering in its channel under the orchards and the fields of fruit trees.The river hides a beautiful secret just ascending by its banks.It is the closed, or closed it, as popularly known to the channel that the waters opened millions of years ago in the rock.

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The walk begins in the center of the town.Streets flanked by stately houses descend to the Park of the Lost Arboleda, which takes the name of one of the best known works of the poet Rafael Alberti.To one of its sides there is a plaque with a text by José Saramago, whose relationship with the town comes from when the Nobel Prize married a journalist from this town.

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How to travel closed

Cerrada del río Castril, ruta de pasarelas por Granada

The path runs parallel to the clean and cold waters of the river and enters the old hydroelectric power plant, excavated in the rock and today converted into a cultural center.On one side of the old building, the catwalk on the waters of the river, a path tied to the rock, held by railway naughty, suspended against the emptiness of the current.Walking the catwalk is a stimulating experience against the noise of the waters in its fall, a path suitable for all ages except for those suffering from vertigo.

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The Castril River carries water throughout the year and the catwalk, between five and ten meters above the usual channel, concludes in front of a suspension bridge that invites you to change your shore.Once the path is saved, he goes into an open cave in the middle of the mountain.In the middle of the section there is an open balcony from where a beautiful jump of the jump is divided that the river forms in an azud.The exit of the cave gives the old mill, today turned into a rural house and restaurant.

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The return to Castril

From here there are two options: undo the way or surround the Peña de Castril, declared a natural monument, to access the people by another of their entries.If this last circular route is chosen, it is convenient to know that a severe slope that leaves aside the healthy orchards of the outskirts of the town and ends up reaching it by one of its side neighborhoods.

Other places to discover

In the Grenadine Region of Huéscar, to which Castril belongs, there are other places to continue discovering, such as the Portillo reservoir - 5 kilometers from the town - or the caves struck on Earth centuries in Baza and Guest, many of them many of themconverted into charming singular accommodations.In addition to these "troglodite cities", it deserves an Orce stop, whose archaeological museum gives an account of the prehistoric past of this area of the Granada Altiplano that climbs to populations such as the Puebla de Don Fadrique.

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The only hotel in Castril is the fountain ( accommodation), a two stars with comfortable and functional rooms, whose restaurant serves one of the best kitchens in the region.At 13 kilometers is the Green Green (, an old tillage house turned into a unique and lovely rural accommodation overlooking the highlands and the sagra.Also to taste the traditional cuisine of the region: Casa Emilio (Tel. 958 72 00 05) and Mesón Romero (Tel. 670 69 56 76).

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