Castañeda receives a grant for a pedestrian walkway over the Pisueña

By : ujikiu / On : 05/06/2022

DM. Santander.

The Ministry of Transport, mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) has granted a grant to Castañeda City Council in the amount of 350,000 euros for the financing of the construction of a pedestrian walkway on the Pisueña River.

Due to the construction of the La Encina-Torrelavega stretch of the A-8 Cantabrian motorway, in service since October 2015, two semi-links were built in the municipality of Castañeda 1.5 kilometres apart by which you can access the villages of Villabáñez and Pomaluengo through a section of the N-634 already ceded to Castañeda City Council.

Castañeda recibe una subvención para una pasarela peatonal sobre el Pisueña

As the Mitma points out in a press release, this has generated additional traffic on the N-634 that leads to security problems on the bridge over the Pisueña River, which are intended to be solved by the construction of this gateway by the City Council and with the participation of the Ministry.

Ministerio de Fomento,Castañeda,La Encina,Torrelavega,Villabáñez,Autovía del Cantábrico,Medio Ambiente,UrbanismoTendencias