Cande Pacheco, an institution of Canarian fashion with a Cantabrian heart

By : ujikiu / On : 18/05/2022


Anyone who knows me knows that the Canary Islands have always been a part of my life. I have traveled to the islands for as long as I can remember and, without wishing to anger anyone, I prefer them a thousand times over to the Balearic Islands. It will be customary, but its sea roars like ours and I can't help but have my choice very clear.

For this reason, when I had the opportunity to chat for a while with Cande Rodríguez Pacheco, born in Tenerife, I did not hesitate. Meeting someone linked to the world of fashion and who also has my beloved Islands in her heart and soul… It would be something wonderful! Also, without forgetting, that she has been united to our land by love for more than 20 years.

As soon as I hear his voice, I feel his land in his accent. "Don't believe it, when I return to Tenerife they tell me that I have lost my accent and that I am more from here than from the islands." She tells me, between laughs. It is logical, surely some word slips into their vocabulary that the people of Tenerife do not understand. «Now, what for me is non-existent is the 'you', it is something that I cannot force. Do not leave me. The second person plural, for me, will always be you," he says. And how beautiful he is to me, how sweet and soft his way of speaking.

The beauty in her beginnings in beauty pageants. /PERSONAL FILE

Cande began to move on catwalks very early, she was only 16 years old when she was presented as Queen of the Carnival of her town, Puerto de la Cruz. «I never thought of being a professional model, my dream was to be Queen of the Carnival and that was what I focused on. Now, my environment was clearer than me, “he recalls. Upon obtaining the title of Queen of the Carnival of Puerto de la Cruz, an agency in Madrid immediately contacted her to start working. And there it all took off.

The truth is that life never ceases to amaze me, how each one of us takes us along a path that, although sometimes we decide, it is not always like that. Fate, although sometimes you have to help it, is there. (At least it is what I perceive more and more).

"In Milan they are very demanding and cruel, but of course, when they say yes, it's a joy"


Cande Pacheco, an institution of the Canarian fashion with a Cantabrian heart

Cande begins to travel the world and gain a foothold on the best catwalks. Now, when I ask her about her favorite place, the one that has reached her the most by far, she is very clear: «Milan pinches my heart. Because it is the hardest place to model, but, at the same time, the one that gives you the most satisfaction when you work. They are very demanding and cruel, but of course, when they say yes, it's a joy. If they catch you, it is because you are really worth it, “he explains.

Her words remind me of a teacher of mine from one of my careers, she was super demanding (too much), but, nevertheless, getting a good grade with her was a great satisfaction for the body. And she herself, speaking of Italy, confirms something that we all know: "When you worked for Italy, you knew that you were going to get more campaigns." And it is that, although one speaks of Paris or Madrid in terms of fashion, Milan is still the great reference, the cradle of design. (Without underestimating other capitals, of course).

Gallery. More images of the past and present professional from Tenerife. /PAMACOR | dove matías

Cande's life, although dedicated to fashion, has also been linked to the media. It is then, when she, working for Antena 3 Canarias, she presented herself as Queen of the Carnival of Tenerife and won it. It was just at that moment of euphoria that she "put her batteries together" and also introduced herself to Miss Tenerife. Thus being the first islander to get both titles in the same year. «It was the most. An incredible feeling”, she recounts, full of emotion, after the years.

From there the wonderful events in her life did not stop, she managed to become First Lady in the Miss Spain pageant, representing the country in Miss World. With an "unforgettable" trip, for many reasons, to South Africa, where the gala of the prestigious international beauty contest took place. Without a doubt, it does not represent is... an all-terrain woman who conquers everything that is put in front of her!

«I was the first to be Carnival Queen and Miss Tenerife in the same year. It was an incredible feeling»


And it was like this, for reasons of the heart, to conquer and to fall in love, that Cande ended up in our land, in Cantabria. It has been more than 20 years since she met her husband, who is from Cantabria, and who "cheated on her in a summer of good weather" to come and live here. And, after having her second child, she withdrew from the catwalks, but not completely.

She loves the world of fashion so much that she never misses the opportunity to walk a catwalk. Above all, if it is to help a designer friend, to collaborate with the community or to raise money for a charitable cause.

The model on a cover for Canarias 7. /manu pombro

«I have a connection through friends, family and others with La Palma. This situation has made me so sorry, it is helpless. To think that for the people of the island nothing will ever be what it was. There is no longer half of the things that there were a few months ago. That's why, when a few months ago I was offered to do an event to raise money, I didn't think twice. I put the organization in contact with Juan Carlos Armas, a designer from the Canary Islands, for whom I have been modeling since I was 17 years old, and a wonderful gala came out”, she says excitedly. "I just hope that we don't forget about La Palma because it no longer appears in the News", asks the Canarian with a Cantabrian heart.

The beauty from Tenerife also had the opportunity to collaborate with the Porticada Catwalk, where Cantabrian designers were given a voice and where, in addition, models of different ages and sizes paraded. Something new in the community and that did not leave anyone indifferent. «It was wonderful to parade in the Plaza Porticada with professional girls and others who were not. They all did fabulously and were super professional. It was a great experience that I will repeat as many times as necessary. It was an example of what is on the street. That was what was different and great about the event”, he applauded.

«It was wonderful to parade in the Plaza Porticada along with professional girls and others who were not. They all did fabulously»


How enriching the world is and listening to new people I didn't know before! How divine to be able to hear stories of people who, although they were not born here, love Cantabria as much as any Cantabrian. These people are the ones who add up, the ones who contribute, the ones who make the rest of us better. This is Cande, a human, close woman, lover of her profession and her family and, above all, of her two lands, which are so far away on the map, seem so united in her heart. And, without a doubt, in that of a servant who already misses the insular air.

As always, I'll be waiting for you on my most personal and words Instagram (@adrianadelvalyruiz), as well as my account linked to Digital Marketing (@tengosincio). Until next time!

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