Diputación de Cádiz claims improvements in public health and says no to macrogranjas

By : ujikiu / On : 20/01/2023

The situation of Andalusian public health, with the Primary Care Net.Two motions, one of the socialist group and another from Andalusia in themselves, have demanded improvements to the Junta de Andalucía in this essential service.The two proposals achieved the majority support of the Plenary.The socialist initiative, defended by David de la Encina, claims the adoption of a shock plan that allows to reduce waiting lists and guarantee face -to -face attention in primary care centers.In its operative part it urges the Board to be incorporated 20.000 toilets, deduced as follows: 8.000 that ended their employment relationship in October 2021 and 12.000 whose contracts win in March 2022.The proposal demands more means to cover staff casualties, as well as an improvement in the working and salary conditions of the templates.

Miguel Molina, from Andalusia in itself, presented the claims of his group, also destined to the Autonomous Administration: the gradual increase in public health until reaching 10% of GDP in 2023;adapt the number of beds per 1.000 inhabitants according to the European average;enhance the primary care network;end the abuse of temporary hiring and, in compensation, relaunch interinities;recognize the professional career of nursing staff;resolve pending selective processes in sectors such as nursing, physiotherapy or midwife;and create the figure of nursing professionals in schools.

Unanimously prospered a motion raised by IU and that claims to the Junta de Andalucía plus agility in the resolutions of recognition of disability degrees in the province of Cádiz.In this regard, the spokeswoman for this initiative, Carmen Álvarez, demands a greater provision of personnel in the valuation and guidance centers, in addition to updating the demanding population ratios in relation to the existing jobs.In the proposal it is expressed that the delay of the resolutions has even reached 17 months (as happened in May 2021).

The Plenary has seconded, by majority, the socialist proposal that urges the Board to specify the rules of execution and justification of the Next Generation funds assigned to different social policies and services.As explained by David de la Encina, the state government has transferred 450 million euros to the Andalusian autonomous administration;Of that amount, 125 million should be executed in 2021 while by 2022 154 million are reserved.The absence of communication in this regard causes, according to the Encina, an obvious disorder to local entities allocations of this financing.

The requirements to the Board also arrive from the scope of training and intermediation for the obtaining of a job.Specifically, the PSOE has made the full support of a motion by which it requests an extraordinary call from the Andalusia Orienta program, with which the reduction of technical personnel that has weighed this public service can be compensated and that has precipitated the closure of more than more thanA fortnight of units in the province of Cádiz.In Andalusia the reduction of personnel is encrypted in 340 troops, of which 53 were based in Cadiz municipalities according to Deputy Ana Carrera.

Diputación de Cádiz reclama mejoras en la sanidad pública y dice no a las macrogranjas

Algeciras-Los Barrios road, catwalk on the Barbate and Ferrolineras river.-

The popular group obtained the majority acceptance of the Plenary in relation to the demand for improvements of the CA-9209 that runs in parallel to the A7 and that communicates the municipalities of Algeciras and the neighborhoods.The PP spokesman at this point, Javier Ros, recalled the need to incorporate a bike lane next to this road.The person in charge of the area of cooperation and assistance to municipalities, Javier Pizarro, clarified that the works of improvement of the road are planned and assumed - with an endowment of 95.000 euros already reserved in the road plan-, while the implementation of the bike lane will require the development of previous studies and the verification of the availability of the land.

Andalusia in itself obtained unanimous support for its motion on the stroke projected on the Barbate River.He claims to the Board the effective materialization of this project that would allow a pedestrian and cycling link between the Barbateño urban nucleus and San Paulino Island.

The same result, unanimity, consequenced a proposal of citizens designed to request the Government of Spain and the Public Society Adif the installation of ferrorolineras in the province of Cádiz.These stations, located next to the railway network, allow the recharge of electric vehicles.To the original initiative, defended by Estefanía arm, an amendment proposed by the PSOE is added, through Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, which involves the Junta de Andalucía in this claim.

No to macrogranjas and the treaty of the Energy Letter.-

The translation of current issues to Plenary.

In the motion of IU, defended by Carmen Álvarez, it is advocated to reject agroganade macroexplootations, which entail a concentration model "that is not allowed in other European countries", and extensive, social, social and sustainable livestock is defended.Macrogranjas, according to the approved proposal, cause environmental damage and are also a source of precarious job.The initiative of the PP, rejected, failed the demonstrations of Minister Garzón and focused mainly on requesting his cessation.

The Plenary also seconded a proposal from the front Cádiz for which the Government of Spain is urged to declare the departure of the Treaty of the Energy Charter.The aforementioned treaty, according to Lorena Garrón, has been characterized in practice by the absence of results and by terrible economic and regulatory impacts for Spain according to the demands that have benefited large energy companies.

Strategic Health Plan and Aid for the Tourism Sector.-

Citizens achieved the adhesion of the Plenary in a proposal addressed to the Government of Spain: the inclusion of the province of Cádiz as a recipient of one of the biennial action plans provided for in the Strategic Health and Environment Plan, so that resources are established for resources for resources forReduce the factors that damage health and that in the Cadiz province are revealed in figures on lung cancer above regional and state averages.

Precisely, and given the proximity of World Cancer Day (February 4), the president of Diputación, Irene García, read a manifesto of the Spanish Association against Cancer assumed by all groups of the Provincial Corporation.The text concludes with six aspirations:

“-Cancer does not cause poverty in the most vulnerable patients.

-Nadie stay without diagnosing as a result of any crisis.

-All people can access screening programs to diagnose cancer early.

-All patients have the same access to research results.

-All patients and relatives have access to specialized psychological treatment to face fear and reduce the sensation of unwanted loneliness.

-All the population has the same ease in health decision making to avoid up to 50% of cancer cases ”.

The PP also obtained most support in its motion in demand for direct aid to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector of the province of Cádiz.José Loaiza was the spokesman for a claim, encrypted at 25 million euros, and addressed to the Government of Spain.

Adhesion to the Wine Route.-

The First Vice President of Diputación, José María Román, proposed the incorporation of the provincial institution to the Association of the Wine Route and the Brandy of the Jerez Marco.The approach was unanimously accepted.Diputación becomes a partner of said entity and will assume a vice presidency of an institutional nature.Román explained that the promotion of a deputation in favor of the framework is not new, and is manifested in various fields, including some novels as their choice as a scenario of sports events.He also added that the Regulatory Council is one of the recipients of the innovation programs financed by the Dipuactiva Strategy.

Cleaning Company Situation.-

In the Plenary Postrimers, a question about the situation of the company of the company that has awarded the cleaning of the Provincial Palace and the Roma Building, both headquarters of Diputación, were argued.President Irene García and the head of the Economic Services Area, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, explained the current situation: Diputación has already initiated the procedures to resolve the contract with the winning company (Bilur) and, as soon as the bankruptcy administration determines it,will proceed to hire the service to another society through an emergency procedure.

Communication with the bankruptcy administration is effective and, in fact, the workforce could receive 58 percent of its December payrolls.Irene García and Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix have lamented the situation of the cleaning personnel and commit themselves to seek a solution as soon as possible, from the respect of the legal procedure established in the cases of companies vessels in the bankruptcy of creditors.

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