Benidorm Festival | Second semifinal: Rigoberta Bandini takes out the roller before the tits to reach the final

By : ujikiu / On : 11/02/2022

If Julius Caesar had been born in the 21st century, he would have been a woman, his name would be Rigoberta Bandini, and he would have conquered Benidorm before Las Galias. Who wants to go to the country of the Enlightenment being able to go to the city of Imserso? The case, that the Catalan arrived, saw and won in the second semifinal. No half measures. She stood up with sunglasses, a wedding dress and God himself could have already come down because the victory was made.

The jury said it, the public said it, and we still don't know why the demographic jury that chose Gonzalo Hermida, locked up in a hotel room for a positive Covid, didn't say it. It is also not bad that the poor boy takes a joy. Almost as big as that of Paula Ribó -Rigo for her friends, who we are all by now- when the sum of votes rose to 111, one more than Chanel, surprise winner of the first semifinal, to be the most valued singer in the final .

Until then Rayden (90 points), Xeinn (81) and Gonzalo Hermida (76) will go with her without stepping on stage, let's not take away her merits either. Marta Sango, Javiera Mena and Sara Deop, we're sorry, but you don't cross the catwalk. Sorry, it was a small mistake because of the aesthetic resemblance. This is not Operación Triunfo, it is the Benidorm Fest. Come on, don't go to the final.

"What do I have to tell you now?" The phrase could come from whoever is writing this, but it was pronounced by Rigoberta Bandini when they asked her to convince the public why they had to vote for her. She had already done it before on stage, giant tit included, she didn't need to say anything more. But still, she said it herself. And good. "We want Europe to celebrate bodies, freedom and life. Long live the moms, the moms and the moms." Nothing more to add.

Well, yes, from today much of Spain is tetracentric thanks to the giant globe in the shape of a chest that appeared on stage when the fireworks lit up the tribal dance that Rigoberta was doing with her family band. Basically her husband and her two cousins.

She also resorted to fireworks as Xeinn claim and it did not go wrong to reach the final despite the somewhat creepy love story of two post-adolescents stuck in a kind of trampoline with a summer mosquito net. But there is no denying that he had Echo and both the public and the jury appreciated it.

It was not like that with the multicolored power ranger aesthetic with which Marta Sango and her band appeared on the Benidorm Fest stage. It doesn't seem easy to dance with a pair of spikes pointing at both sides of your neck while trying to maintain a choreography and sing at the same time. Going to Eurovision is fine, but staying alive is better.

Javiera Mena didn't have much luck either in her intention to "lesbianize all of Europe" on a platform full of cables to give it that electropop tone that for a moment revived the spirit of Chimo Bayo in the Valencian Community. Praise you, Chimo. But neither the jury nor the public seemed very keen to bring the cod back or lesbianize tonight.

They had much more desire to take a walk along the Calle de la llorería with Rayden, surely at the level of performing the most refined performance. But it is that she had to leave after Rigoberta, slight detail. Even so, her rap -if we can frame this issue in that genre- vindicating the new masculinity did not fall short of support. She had them above all in the jury and in the public.

Because the demographic jury - tremendous concept - decided that her bet was going to be for Gonzalo Hermida, who was prevented by Covid from leaving his room and whose video clip seemed to convince the Spanish representation. If TVE ends up recovering the Benidorm Fest so that a person locked in a room wins, we would possibly be facing the biggest trolling in history. But with this country you can never know the limits.

Nor can you know with Sara Deop that her 19 years played a trick on her on stage. She arrived in the city of Alicante as the youngest and she leaves with a performance that is difficult to defend on a vocal and aesthetic level. She has years left to improve it because on Saturday she will not step on the stage of the Benidorm sports palace again.

That site is reserved for Tanxugueiras, Chanel, Gonzalo Hermida, Rayden, Xeinn, Varry Brava and Blanca Paloma. And, above all, for Rigoberta Bandini. Who can overthrow her? Because they got Julius Caesar together. Let them wait for the Ides of March. January, in this case.

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