Alicia Comas: "Passioning on this catwalk is something that no model will ever say no to"

By : ujikiu / On : 12/02/2022

«I am very happy with Televisa, where I still continue with the neutral Mexican accent classes – this is what he tells us days after having participated in the New York Fashion Week, installed again in his apartment in the Aztec capital-. What's more, I can add that he is now planning a new project, which has to do with me, and which I will be able to talk about very soon.

Regarding the experience recently lived in New York, which he describes as "wonderful", he underlines that "it has been another of my dreams come true", while showing his gratitude "to those people who have trusted me", going on to comment on the different sensations perceived, «which have not been few, since I have paraded for famous designers, such as Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, José Ventura, Yas González... And also, which is not a small thing, I opened the parade of José Ventura, which is an honour… Because for the model it is an honor to open the fashion shows… Therefore, what more can I ask for in this experience…?”

No one will reject this proposal

Alicia has been in the world of fashion for 19 years, «which I am very happy about, since she is part of my life. Just like being an actress, another of my great passions, where I hope to do beautiful things.

As for how she was chosen to walk New York Fashion Week, she tells us it was very simple. “They contacted me and offered it to me. Obviously, he could not reject this proposal. Among other things because the New York Fashion Week is one of the most recognized in the world, that no model or designer would ever reject, since it is a very important step in the career of each one. I naturally accepted immediately.

The Mallorcan arrived in New York two days in advance, "more than being far-sighted, no, because in an event of these characteristics everything is planned, but to do the wardrobe tests in case any retouching was needed, and also to visit some places and corners of the Big Apple, a city that never sleeps and that, moreover, is beautiful wherever you look at it, where I have been before, doing tourism. What if I ever thought I'd come back to parade...? Who else who less than is in this, usually thinks about it. And why not? New York, as I have said, is one of the best scenarios for fashion in the world, in which any model wants to walk the catwalk, so they will never say no if they have the opportunity to do so, and much more if they still have a lot. way to go".

I have Mallorca very present

Regarding the stage where it was held, he clarifies that «the shows at New York Fashion Week are usually held in different places, which are usually decided by the designers. I had to parade in LAVANS541».

Returning to Mexico, the city where she has lived for three months, and returning to her job at Televisa, where, as she has told us, she is taking a neutral accent course, we cannot get her to tell us about this new project she is planning for her. , «but I promise that when I can you will be the first to know. I love knowing that through you they know about me in Mallorca, which, despite the distance, I have very present».

Another of the things that has caught her attention is her ability and predisposition for her work.

«The truth is that I always like to be on the move, doing something, which forces me to know how to combine my work as an actress with that of a model, which at the moment is going very well for me, because I don't say no to anything I have to do. see with them. I also like to go out and see what's out there, and attend events that I'm invited to. And I also do sports. I actually enjoy what I do, putting a lot of passion into everything."

As for whether we will see her again soon on the Island, she tells us that «that will depend a lot on my work. But as I said before, I think a lot about Mallorca and the people I have there». And we understand it, since she is where she is, not for pleasure or on vacation, but to make a place for herself in the world of fashion and acting. And whoever wants something, something costs him. So good luck. Majorca can wait.