Albares closes ranks with NATO and warns Podemos: "The foreign policy is the president of the President"

By : ujikiu / On : 30/09/2022

Pedro Sánchez is determined to make the NATO summit in Madrid on June 29 and 39.In recent weeks, the president of the Government has had telephone calls with several leaders such as Macron or Johnson.

The Spanish Executive aspires to strengthen within NATO and strengthen relations with the US of Joe Biden who, until now, have avoided committing to Sánchez.From there, the offer of Spain to host the NATO Summit in Madrid or the recent trip of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Washington.

This same week, José Manuel Albares, has met with the secretary of state of Biden, Antony Blinken, and the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.On the agenda was the NATO summit and the recomposition of relationships, after the years of departure with Trump, but the crisis of Ukraine with Russia has focused most of the meeting.Spain has been offered as a reliable partner and has closed ranks with the Atlantic organization.

"Spain will be linked to its partners in deterrence," said Albares on Friday, who added that our country "is supportive of its NATO and EU partners".The Foreign Minister has defended that "it is the time for diplomacy" but that "dialogue is not negotiation"."We cannot accept unacceptable things.No one should mark NATO who can be or cannot be his partner, "he added

Albares cierra filas con la OTAN y avisa a Podemos:

Albares has anticipated that, if Putin invades Ukraine, there will be "sanctions of a huge size" although he has detached this possible reprisals to Spain."Algerian gas is fully guaranteed.Spaniards can be very calm.There will be no gas shortage, "added the foreign policy representative who has subtracted importance to Russian gas consumption in our country

Notice to Podemos

The military offer of Spain, with several fighters to Bulgaria, has not liked the partners of Podemos.Neither its founder, Pablo Iglesias, who has brought this possible deployment, nor to deputies like Pablo Echenique, who has rescued on Twitter the "No to War", nor to Gerardo Pisarello, who has branded "Bravuconadas Belicistas deUSA The possible answer.

"The government's exterior action marks the president of the Government and that is what demonstrates the cohesion of the government," Albares said after being asked at an informative breakfast about the criticisms of Podemos to a possible NATO military intervention in the crisis in the crisis from Ukraine."That demonstrates the leadership of the President of the Government," he added.

In the socialist sector they remember that foreign policy depends on them, as well as all the Ministries of State, and that the guidelines are marked by the President of the Government.Despite the latest statements by Montero or Ione Belarra talking about Spain as the country of "no to war".Yolanda Díaz's covid confinement helps you mark distances and will not pronounce on this subject.

Albares is reinforced

In La Moncloa they positively value the management of Albares after the continuous incidents of Aracha González Laya that decomposed relations with Morocco, offering hospital assistance to Brahim Gali, and have not yet been restored.

Albares is reinforcing the outer role of Sanchez.To the NATO Summit, its role is joined in the organization of the EU presidency, which in La Moncloa pose as a catwalk before the generals.

España estudia enviar cazas de combate a Bulgaria como apoyo ante la amenaza rusaJ. Arias Borque