Jojoba oil, the great natural ally for the skin

By : ujikiu / On : 09/03/2022

Oils are a trend in natural cosmetics. Its multiple moisturizing properties serve both the facial skin and the rest of the body. As if that were not enough, the vast majority can also be used on the hair. They are respectful with the environment, they do not generate allergies and they are also cheap.


All these reasons make the number of followers of these natural beauty products grow day after day. Today we are going to talk to you about jojoba oil, the latest great discovery to make home beauty remedies that you will love.

Properties of jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of a shrub that grows in deserts. Among its many benefits, its antioxidant power stands out, ideal for fighting premature aging of the skin. In addition, it is capable of killing free radicals. Its high content of vitamin E and D make it a great protector of the skin against external aggressions. In addition, this oil differs from the rest in its texture, much less greasy than the rest. This makes it melt more quickly into the skin.

Apply a few drops of jojoba oil to the ends of dry hair and you'll soon notice healthier, shinier hair.Pixabay

jojoba oil for skin

Aceite de jojoba, el gran aliado natural para la piel

Jojoba oil is a natural humectant that has the ability to lock in the moisture our skin and hair need. For this reason it is highly appreciated in cosmetics. It is also a good ally against stretch marks and calluses on the feet.

Moisturize your hair with jojoba oil

If you have very dry hair, jojoba oil can help you achieve radiant hair. Put a few drops of product in your hands and spread it through the ends of the hair. Let it act for ten minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water. If you repeat this beauty ritual three times a week, you will quickly notice that your hair is shinier and less dry. In addition, it is ideal to protect your hair from the heat of the dryer and hair straighteners.

The best oils for skin and hair

In addition to jojoba oil, there are other ideal oils for your natural beauty remedies. Argan oil or rosehip oil are some of the most commonly used today. Just a few drops of these products are enough to deeply hydrate dry areas such as elbows or heels. They also serve to moisturize very dry and brittle hair.

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When buying this type of oil, you must opt ​​for establishments that guarantee the quality of the products and that they have passed all the necessary controls to avoid possible allergies or complications when using them.