About what the models of the moment charge for 'post' on Instagram

By : ujikiu / On : 23/11/2022

It may be true that Instagram is changing the rules of the game or at least in what the fashion industry refers.The firms take care of their profiles in this social network than their own web pages;And the models are perfectly aware that treasuring a large group of followers can get you the occasional succulent contract.

Would Kendall and Gigi have reached their current stardom without that definitive push called 'Instagram'?We will never know, but what we of course can do is analyze the situation a little more thorough."If we talk about marketing a career, a girl will not go far in 2016 if she is not socially interesting," said Spadafora."Can I say that you can become a great star without a presence on social networks? I of course, I wouldn't support it.".

Thus, if social networks occupy such a relevant place in the agenda of the future (and present) stars, it is not strange that around them circulate such crazy figures.Apparently, "the three models with the most impact on social networks –Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevigne, and Gigi Hadid, in descending order - are currently valued between 125.000 $ and 300.€ 000 for just one post in your profiles, "says Fran Spadophora.A figure that any firm will have to pay if it wants Kendall, Cara or Gigi to upload a photo (yes, only one) in which it appears using one of its products.Where is the limit?Only heaven, and Instagram, know.

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