A charity catwalk at the Paseo de la O that fuses fashion and equestrian art • Sevilla solidaria

By : ujikiu / On : 10/10/2022

The Paseo de la O will host on October 9 at 18.00 Hours The catwalk ‘Hurning between seam.This initiative will allocate part of the funds raised to the Fibrotriare Association for helping people suffering from Fibromyalgia.

The delegate of the Triana District, Encarnación Aguilar, attended this Wednesday to the presentation of this event with its director, Juan Carlos Novoa, and the president of the Fibrotriare Association, Carmen Hiruelo.During the event, which some designers who participate in this initiative as well as representatives of collaborating entities have also attended, the delegate has encouraged participation and assistance to «a unique event for the extraordinary fusion of different artistic disciplines that he performs and that, on this occasion, it will allocate a part of the sale of tickets to an association that is based in our district and helps people suffering from a complex disease and not always understood by society such as fibromyalgia ».

'Riding between seams' is a catwalk that fuses fashion with the equestrian world and also has live music and that, as its director explains, "it is the only catwalk in the world that fuses haute couture with equestrian artAnd the music, which is why it has been selected for contemporary art halls and cultural tourism for UNESCO ».

Una pasarela benéfica en el Paseo de la O que fusiona moda y arte ecuestre • Sevilla Solidaria

In this case, the catwalk will begin on October 9 at 18.00 hours at the Paseo de la O and will have parades by designers Javier Orozco, Miguel Ángel Millán, Pepe Prieto and Alberto Vicente and the designer Inma de la Riva.The equestrian part of the event, which will be presented by the journalist Ricardo Castillejo, will be carried out by David Chávez and will also have the live actions of flamenco essence and the Triana de Esperanza choir.

Tickets can be acquired in the following collaborating establishments and enabled as points of sale: Pepe Prieto Novia costumes, Mayte del Valle Hairdressing, Santa Ana jewelry, 19th in the San Gonzalo Market, Bar El Vargas, BoutiqueThirteen and A A A A.Thirteen.The capacity is limited and the entire event will be developed following the security measures against COVID-19.