Young Promises of International Fashion: Igor Dieryck

By : ujikiu / On : 17/09/2022

Igor Dieryck is the young promise of international fashion design that we add to our #neotalents quarry for its new collection "Duty Calls"

Igor Dieryck is the young original designer of Luxembourg who presents "Duty Calls", a collection that deals with the comparison between political power and the power that can give a person a garment of clothing.The creative puts an eye on the royal family in Belgium, and questions why there are people in the world who inherit power without even having to fight for him.This issue is transferred by fashion through silhouettes that remind the masculine imperial figures, who wear female and striking garments revealing a part of their body without making them vulnerable.

This first drop of his collection is part of one of the projects of the fashion master who is studying in the prestigious Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, a school in which he tells us is living “an intense but inspiring and very instructive path".If you want to know more about your designs and the route of this young promise of international fashion design do not miss the interview you will find below.

Igor Dieryck "Duty Calls"

Designs: Igor Dieryck (@igordieryck) Photography: Michael Sms (@michael_smits) Models: (@Exauceer.NTELA), (@ramymfoud), (@Theotimleclerc)

Interview: Ángel Taranilla (@AngelTaranilla)

How is your experience studying at the prestigious Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp?It is an intense but inspiring and instructive trip!They push us to experience a lot, sometimes design hundreds of looks before making the final decision.You learn to push your limits and fashion limits.There are no real classes.It is a kind of constant coaching where we are taught to make decisions, to be critical of their own work.It is difficult, but this test and error system makes education at the Royal Academy of Antwerp unique.I chose this school because, although at that time I did not know much about fashion, the Academy of Antwerp, especially thanks to its former students, is a worldwide symbol for fashion history.This school made me dream and that's why I decided to take part in the entrance exam ... Here I am a few years later studying.

Do you think you will have more opportunities for being a student of this school?Of course, the name of the school is recognized in the fashion world.It allows me from time to time to get in touch with people who could not have known otherwise.But it is still too early to say if it will have a real impact on my career.I can tell you more about this in a year, when I am working (at least I hope).

Tell me about the concept of your designs in your "Duty Calls" collection.The collection deals with power, and more specifically about political power.The question at the origin was: “Does this garment give me power?And if so, how? ".I am passionate about politics and geopolitics, so for me this issue is a way to link my interest in the contemporary world with a historical investigation (based on clothing) of people in positions of power throughout the twentieth century.The starting point of my collection was a questionnaire about the importance of the royal family in Belgium.Why do some people inherit power without even having to fight for him?Personally, I am quite in favor of the monarchy and, nevertheless, this system goes against the equal values that spread in today's society.This contradiction between my ideals and my concrete opinions was the source of my interest in the issue of power.

"Why do some people inherit power without even having to fight for him?"

Jóvenes promesas de la moda internacional: Igor Dieryck

The reflection of this issue is found in the silhouettes that refer to imperial clothing.The man of power wears clothes that are often feminine and striking, revealing a part of his body and, nevertheless, making it more vulnerable.We hope that people in power have an opinion above all, but this is not something natural.When Covid-19 Pandemia began, people from all over the world expected consistent decisions.However, many leaders were not qualified in the health issue.Politicians do not always have something relevant to say, but they are still "forced" to express their opinion, sometimes meaningless.My collection is an analysis of the political game rather than a criticism of the same.My intention was not to say that all politicians are bad."Duty Calls" is a mixture between the admiration I have for people who put duty to their personal interests and a sharp criticism of political games to maintain this power.

Is Igor Dieryck an official personal firm?In case no, are you planning that once you finish your studies?I don't have an official brand at this time.I could create one, but probably not in the near future.I feel that I need more experience (personal and professional), more knowledge of the industry, since now I am only focused on the creative part.I am also very young (the youngest in my class), so I will take the necessary time to see what I want to share with the world.

What kind of audience are Igor Dieryck designs?Until now, I have mainly made meswear, but now I started making women's clothes.My designs are mostly focused on strong men who have a clear part of femininity and fragility.Men who love bright colors but also appreciate the subtlety of some pieces and invisible details.Elegant people who like to dress something modern and streetwear.

Could you define your style in a few words when designing clothes?It is a mixture of young and colorful streetwear with a part of research and tailoring based on very classic garments, and a clear part of femininity.For example, some looks are a mixture of technical fabrics with very high quality wool.

What are your expectations in the fashion world?What is your great goal?I never have too many expectations because otherwise I can only disappoint me.There will always be people who will be more successful, so all I want is to find my place, find a place where I feel that I am doing something good, and go for it at 500%!

What are your main sources of inspiration?My source of inspiration is the world in which I live.Collections are usually based on geopolitical problems.I inform myself a lot.I follow the evolution of society, the changes in our way of living, the conflicts that still take place today.I am passionate about politics.I love to discuss and argue and try to bring that to my work in some way, asking questions and highlighting some of the absurdities that I notice.I usually link these specific issues with an investigation based on historical garments.Because after all it is fashion and personally I believe that the connection between the idea/concept and the garment is extremely important.

Do you just want to focus on creating your own brand or do you want to work first for another? I would like to start working for another brand.As I explained before, I feel that I need to grow a little more as a designer and know the real world better, out of school.

Do you think it is difficult to make money working on fashion?How do you see the current situation of young designers?I assure you that I did not decide to study fashion for money.Many people outside that world think that it is glamorous and extremely "rich", which is true in part, but for small independent designers it is really very difficult.The study itself is already very expensive, but I have the possibility of being a scholarship.This is a support to be able to make decisions more freely.In general, I think the fashion world is very hard for young designers.

“In general, I think the fashion world is very hard for young designers."

How does Igor Dieryck think about a world as competitive as this?I bring my own vision and my point of view.

If you could choose a famous person to dress with your designs, who would be and why?I would love Frank Ocean to use my designs!I love him, nothing more to add.And also a renowned designer who inspires me.That would be a great honor.

What do you think is the best way to promote your brand?On my scale, I think Instagram is the easiest and most effective way to promote your work.It is also free, which is not insignificant for a student.

Tell us about other works/projects in which you are working now and that arise soon.What are you going to do once you finish your master?Where do you wanna live?I am busy finishing the first half of my collection at this time, and I am very excited that everyone sees it in June.But I don't want to spoil the surprise revealing too much.All I can say is that there are some good collaborations in accessories.I plan to do an internship in Europe (probably in Paris, Milan or Antwerp).

Complete the phrase: fashion is political.And politics can sometimes be fashionable.