The perfect capsule closet you will find in this firm

By : ujikiu / On : 30/12/2022

Interviews, founded by Argentina Inés Aquino in 2021, contains all garments, from the white shirt, the gabardina or the tweezers, necessary when building a perfect wardrobe (or almost)

By Sara Hernando

There is nothing more sustainable than a capsule closet.This is understood by Ines Aquino (1981, Buenos Aires), founder and designer of his homonym firm, Ines, with whom he intends to make a place in the homeland fashion industry.Argentina by birth but based in Barcelona, Aquino offers quality designs, well made and that, promises, can even be inherited from parents to children.“I have realized that we always talk about inheriting, and this whole concept revolves around garments that are already vintage.One of my goals is that the brand is consumed by people who want to leave these garments to their future generations, be the first link in the inheritance chain ”.It is not complicated, many of their garments have been pump -proof (and trends) for decades, from the white shirt - “in my case I always prefer that they be baggy, and play with the length.I use them for a meeting with a suit or with jeans and shoes ” -, to the tailor pants, the gabardines or the alpaca scarves.

“These would be the basic garments that should be in a good capsule closet.The rest can vary according to each other's lifestyle, but I think these garments adapt to the different styles.Versatility is a form of sustainability.I do not make clothes that are for day or night, sport or elegant.In my closet I have all the mixed garments, everything has to do with the mood and the desire you have to dress in this or that way, ”he says.Enough to embrace the concept of sustainability, although in your case it goes further.Most of its garments are made in Barcelona in local workshops, except the berets, manufactured in the Basque Country, and the alpaca line, which is done in Peru: “The alpacas that are used for our blankets and scarvesOnce a year and by hand with scissors since the shearing machines with their noise and blades are very large for these animals.Knowing these things, using the garments gives extra satisfaction ".With prices that are around 200 euros for a shirt, or 50 for printed silk scarves, Ines is a table of salvation for those looking for robust designs with a vocation of eternal.We talked with Ines Aquino about the importance of rethinking our closet to live in a more sustainable way.

How and when does Ines arise?

In 2015 we founded with a partner a brand in Argentina specialized in leather garments.During those years I learned a lot and brand growth was a success.But I had been as an animal protection activist for years, I am a vegetarian, and being an active part of the leather industry and being in the back room really mortified me.Clearly I was not with my principles and there was a great contradiction that today I understand as part of an evolution process.It should be noted that in a country like Argentina, being against leather and denying the success of your company is madness.Who would like to give up such a achievement?I aspired to have my own project, 100% faithful to my principles, to do it alone from scratch (never at all alone because in every step my sister Isabel is there, there is collaborating, advising, clearing fears and doubts) and there came up with.I thought and thought names but in the end I realized that the most honest was that I was brought my name, since I was going to do everything possible to reflect my principles (ethical and aesthetic) there.

You release the firm in Buenos Aires and decide to move it to Barcelona, why?

In 2017 I made a trip with my husband Juan to visit a friend at the Hamptons, New York and then we fly to Spain and Italy.In Spain we stayed, among other sites, in Barcelona and in a little house that we have in the Pyrenees, since Juan, in addition to being a filmMaker is aladeltist and there the climate is ideal to fly when it is not in Patagonia (where he is fromthe).I had always believed that my site was New York, but when I arrived in Barcelona I fell in love with the city.He stayed in my mind and in my heart replicating.When I returned, left my leather brand, and I started to assemble i n e s.That same summer we were with friends in a lake in Patagonia and we were emboldened and said, why not?We returned to Buenos Aires, we closed everything and came to Spain.We passed through Malaga, where our daughter was born, then we spent the first year of pandemic in the Pyrenees where I started looking for certified European fabrics, workshops, and to think how the new version of i n e s here would be here.So I spent two years developing this new beginning that today is reborn here in Barcelona.

What previous experience did you have in the fashion sector?

El armario cápsula perfecto lo encontrarás en esta firma

At 15 I had my first job, but it was at 18 that I started in fashion.First I worked in store and then became responsible for production, traveling, knowing factories and solving the most unusual problems.Then I went to Senior Designer of children and a time later I was senior design of women's clothing.I was more than fifteen years in the same firm where I made a career and after many years I opened my own company.

How would you define your signature?

I n e s is a firm that seeks to transcend the trend, to put aside that agobio of the fast fashion.I feel that no one helps create versatile pieces and a uniform with their own style that adapts to different silhouettes and uses.I have realized that we always talk about inheriting, and this whole concept revolves around garments that are already vintage.One of my goals is that the brand is consumed by people who want to leave these garments to their future generations, be the first link in the inheritance chain.At the same time I like to think that the clothes I make is shared with your partner, the raincoat, the scarves, the pajamas ... everything can be shared and I think that the latter is a new concept of sustainable luxury also also.

And at the aesthetic?

My style is quite masculine, my weakness is shirts, moccasins, and tailoring, so male-femenine is the style that best defines i n e s.I think my fort is the tailoring and if I were a garment, it would undoubtedly be a white shirt.

What are you inspired when designing?

Every time I inspired my roots, in what has surrounded me during my childhood and youth, my parents' artist friends, in my father's career horses, in their shirts, in music and nature but also and much, in the city, its people and their needs, in the coffees of Buenos Aires that so much strange, the Argentine countryside and its work clothes.

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Does this concept of the capsule closet influence you when designing?

It has been a relief from designing collections of more than 200 articles to what I do now, a very masculine, tailoring and classic style.As a designer, I'm always thinking about new forms, new lines and materials.I like subtleties and details.It may seem difficult to design or create new pieces that are novel but the reality is that we have used shirts, pants, monkeys and accessories that transcend fashion years.

What would you say that are the basic garments that cannot be missing in a closet and why?

The black and black t -shirts of the size that feels comfortable (oversize or the body).Under any sweater it is the most comfortable to be at home or to go out with tailor or jeans you will always be fine.A good black pants (I always recommend high shot) is another key piece and finally a raincoat, you carry it with a suit, with tracksuit, with stilettos and a silk dress underneath, to climb a plane or to go to the park withChildren, office or field.

And the materials?

We work with the best materials, we do not leave anything to chance.We have brought the best English and Portuguese fabrics and all have quality and sustainability certifications.For example, we manufacture it in the Basque Country and is done entirely by hand in Merino Lana.Silk scarves are handed by hand.And I think the best example has it in the Alpaca line of Peru.

Where and how do your clothes make?

All garments are made in Barcelona, although being in Europe it is easy to work with suppliers around the world.I think it was important that the preparation was local and participate closely in each stage of the production process.The main workshop specialized in men's shirts.With them we did most garments.It is the second generation that manages this workshop and all the women who work there are the same for years, they are pure dedication and respect.It has been an honor to work with them.The Raincoat is done in a workshop one by hand by a tailor.And for the rest of the accessories I looked within the best in their area.

How structures your collections?

The basic principle in the assembly of this latest collection is that you do not need much more, that it is a full wardrobe.I add new pieces when I think it makes sense for me, for the firm and for the client.I don't think much in the seasons closed and I think everything is Genderless.Of course there are winter and summer garments to combine them and make entertain.It is also important to adapt the looks to the weather where you are.

Who does your brand go?

To all people who value a quality garment, who takes care of the details of both sustainability and design, clothing and materials, people who want to feel comfortable with good genres.Sophisticated but simple garments for an overloaded world.

Where and how can we acquire them?

In our online store.In our Instagram account you can see the spirit of the brand, the latest of each audiovisual project that we carry out and if they make any consultation, it is sure to answer and advise.

What are the next steps that you will follow with your brand?

We hope to open the first physical store of INES in Barcelona soon.I miss the treatment with customers, listen to their needs and advise them.Share with those who visit us a coffee in the morning and a wine always always with good music.

How do you imagine the future of Ines?

I hope to work with Argentine artists and artists and develop pieces together.Make more collaborations with local and international artists and of course continue to raise awareness in the importance of cruelty free materials for land care and those who live in it.

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