With great SDES events it strengthens the fashion industry in the state

By : ujikiu / On : 03/09/2022

  • León, Gto., November 26, 2021.- With the award of the International Fashion and Design Contest “Creáre” 2021, the activities of “Guanajuato inspiration that you saw, November fashion month” concluded, positioning Guanajuato once again as a creator of local brands with high quality productsand a strong commitment to design.

    Mauricio Usabiaga Díaz Barriga, Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development, said that the activities that were carried out during the month of fashion are fundamental strategies in Guanajuato to boost the clothing industry, footwear, leather goods and design as key elements forThe competitiveness of the local economy.

    “This strategy promoted by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, allows to strengthen and continue the programs that promote the different economic sectors of our State, increasing the creativity, competitiveness and innovation of the participant, helping him to undertake and conceptualize a project that allows themLive from fashion, ”he said.

    The International Fashion and Design Contest “Creáre” turned fifteen years of being one of the most important fashion showcases in Mexico, for this edition the contest evolved with the purpose that the participants had an accompaniment that allowed them to create a brand ofproduct or service, generating new economic units from the business opportunities of the fashion industry.

    Con grandes eventos SDES fortalece la industria de la moda en el Estado

    This year there was the participation of 121 participants from 25 states of the Republic, among which Guanajuato, Jalisco and San Luis Potosí stand out, likewise, 33 Canvas canvases were received, which were evaluated by Consultores de Incubamás.

    The winners of this new initiative that presented their proposals for business idea are:

    1st Place: Project called 'Melia Lucia' by Brenda Lucia León Villalobos de Guadalajara, El2do Place: 'Lady Project' by Alejandro Aguilar Aguilar of the municipality of León and 3rd place: Soverene collective project, represented by María Alejandra Inguez Torres of the city of Lion.

    For this 2021, the “Guanajuato inspiration strategy that you saw, November fashion month” promoted great events, such as the “Fimoda” Fashion Business Forum, “Ceramic Business”, the “Creá 2021” project and the first edition and the first editionof the Fashion Hall, which for 26 consecutive days promoted the fashion and design industry.

    Froylán Salas Navarro, Undersecretary for the development of the MSME, Guillermo Romero Pacheco, secretary of Economic Reactivation of León, Alfredo Padilla Villalpando, president of the Fashion Cluster and Yosselyn Ruiz, of Incubamas part of the Evaluation Committee part of the Evaluation Committee participated in the event.

    With this strategy the State Government and business organizations promote actions to increase the competitiveness of the sector, contributing to the strengthening of the entity's economy and generating new opportunities for the industry.

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