Where to study clothing design in Argentina and in the world

By : ujikiu / On : 31/08/2022

The entrance to the university is a very important experience in the young people who end the secondary and seek to make their way in the world.Enrolling in a career implies the decision to follow a certain course for a professional career that best suits the skills and interests of the person.

Years ago, the typical careers chosen by young people were more traditional, as a right or medicine.But today there are endless possibilities.Among them, the clothing design is increasingly imposed with more force.The UBA and the University of Palermo are positioned as the pioneers in this area.

Infobae spoke with Patricia Contant, coordinator of the UBA clothing design career;Oscar Echeverría, dean of the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo;Myrian Nuñez founder of the Argentine Fashion School (Eamoda);and UADE authorities, who delved on the academic plan offered.


Fadu- University of Buenos Aires

Account to Infobae Patricia Contant, coordinator of the UBA clothing design career, which today has two new curricula for clothing careers and textile design.Each of them lasts 5 years (including the CBC of the first year).

When graduating as clothing designer, the function that is fulfilled is to design, produce and direct design projects independently or within a company or clothing brand forming part of an interdisciplinary work team.You can also participate in the journalistic field doing professional analysis and criticism.

Also design and supervise the fiction costumes, audiovisual productions for film, TV, theater, video, perfomatic activities, etc;Participate in the different stages of the project process from the illustration of figurines, armed with catalogs, as well as samples and parades to communicate a product, brand or project.

Another functions is to perform as a fashion stylist in graphic and virtual media directing and assembling the necessary equipment for the communication of a trend or brand in these media.

Textile design

The textile designer can perform independently, in companies, in social or cultural productions, in interdisciplinary groups, in academic and research fields.

When obtaining the title, its function is to design, plan, program and produce textile design projects from the creation of spinning and textile structures to tissue termination processes, not woven and garments.

The graduate can participate in the creative and trans disciplinary processes that contribute to the areas of architecture and design (graphic, industrial, clothing) and vice versa.

Dónde estudiar Diseño de Indumentaria en Argentina y en el mundo

University of Palermo

Located in the heart of Palermo and with several venues, the UP was chosen as one of the best in Latin America, and was considered again the second in the region and is the one that has the greatest proportion of foreign students.

The University of Palermo dictates the fashion design career for more than 20 years.It was a pioneer (together with the UBA) in the university education of clothing in Argentina.Fashion training at the University of Palermo is unique, from an innovative perspective with international projection by forming leading products in product development, which are successfully located in the industry or undertaking their own brands and companies in Argentina and the world.

The main Argentine designers Marcelo Senra, Cecilia Gadea, María Pryor, Laura Valenzuela, Benito Fernández, Claudio Cosano dictate classes, workshops or conferences in the faculty and advise students for their professional projection.


UADE's degree in textile and clothing is focused on two objects of study, "the clothing" and "the textile", deepening the relationship of both and with the purpose of consolidating a professional who creatively responds to the competitions of the local marketand international.The UADE race is 4 years.

During the race, the subjects emphasize the work concentrated in clothing and textile design applied to several areas, but also contemplates the design of special product, corporate product design, fiction design (theatrical, artistic), and the design and diagnosis of trends.

The university offers its students of own laboratories that constitute a differential since it allows an approach to the practical dimension and knowledge of the value chain, allowing the student to experience and develop themselves innovative products themselves.

Through the presentation of samples, parades, multimedia events and social networks, students have the possibility of exhibiting, inside and outside the university, the work done.

Argentine Fashion School

Eamoda is the Argentine Fashion School and in its academic plan the career carries the title of "Technique in clothing and fashion" with an official diploma and title.The technicature has a duration of 3 years, completed 4 times per week 6 hours every day and another faster training "clothing and textile design" with two years, with an official professional training certificate, studied 2 times per week 3 hs every day.

"The student learns from the drawing of Figurín, through the molding, cutting and clothing workshops, to stamping his own fabric.We are the only school in Argentina equipped with a textile laboratory with screenwhile octopus, laser width, sublmatic plotter, registration tables, digital stamping, embroidery, sewing machines, 3D machinery, so that the future student designer learns to really work with theTechnologies and knows how to propose ideas and novelty in the commercial market for fashion in Argentina, "Myrian Ñunez, founder of Eamoda, told Infobae Myrian.


Parsons - New York

If one of the dreams is to study clothing design in New York, one of the world fashion capitals, Parsons is the one indicated.There studied the great designers like Tom Ford and Alexander Wang and the Gwen Stefani and Lady Gaga also passed through it.

But in order to study, a good sum of money is required.Each course offered by this Manhattan heart school costs approximately 46.000 dollars.

Fit-fashion Institute of Technology- New York

Carolina Herrera, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors are some of the talented designers who have gone through this school.Not only is it an institute where the best of fashion and textile design is taught but there are also careers that explain marketing and communication dedicated entirely to fashion.Although it is private, it is not one of the most expensive and has a possibility of short summer courses, also related to the fashion world.

Royal College of Art - United Kingdom

About 36.000 dollars anuales se requieren para poder hacer la carrera de Diseño de Indumentaria de haute couture en el Royal College of Art.It is one of the most exclusive universities, since it admits 106 graduate students and there is one teacher for every 10 students.Christopher Bailey spent his classrooms and got the necessary knowledge to be Burberry's creative director.

Central Saint Martins - United Kingdom

It is considered by the Business of Fashion website as the best fashion school in the world.The prestigious John Galliano and Alexander McQueen graduated from her.It has a wide offer in which you can study degrees, postgraduates or summer courses where prices can vary.A one -week summer course usually cost about $ 900.

European Istituto Di Design IED - Spain

This school opened its doors in 2002 and since then it became one of the most popular with international vision of all Spain.It is part of the European Istituto di Design born in 1966 in Milan and extended in Italy, Spain and Brazil.IED has since specialized in the development and research of design, fashion, visual arts and communication.

Ecole de la Chambre Syndivee de la Couture Parisienne- Paris

It is the fashion cradle.In Paris, the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne stands out, associated with the Trade Union Chamber of Haute Couture Creators.Among his students were Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino Garavani, or Issey Miyake.His training focuses on the conception of design as a trade, concentrated in artisanal preparation and the construction of garments.

Bunka Fashion College - Tokyo

Bunka Fashion College is Japan's fashion school.From there they graduated Yamamoto and Junya Watanabe, which are two great referents that the school stands out.This university requires excellent management of Japanese to study and a good economic position to pay the race.

Istituto Marangoni - Milan

The Marangoni Institute is one of the most prestigious places to study any fashion -related career.Not only offers academic plans to learn to design but also marketing, brand management, Personal Shopper, among other orientations.Located in the heart of Milan, Marangoni graduated from Moschino and Domenico Dolce.To study you must have approximately 25.000 dollars.

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