What is the Business Minimum wage, a proposal that takes strength by 2022

By : ujikiu / On : 19/05/2022

Will the minimum wage reach a million pesos the other year? It is the question that sounds strong before next November 26 begins the respective discussion between the government, workers' unions and the private sector. Well, entrepreneurs have an idea that could make that million a reality: a "minimum business wage".

The initiative is led by Grupo Oikos, whose President, Luis Aurelio Díaz, says that in the face of the "novel" of all December in which central and government Don't agree, entrepreneurs must advance and explore alternatives.

Así, la propuesta es que independiente del ajuste del salario mínimo al que se llegue las empresas se metan la mano al bolsillo y agreguen el equivalente a 5 puntos más a la remuneración de sus trabajadores.

If, for example, at the end of the discussion on the minimum of 2022, an adjustment of around 6% (as projected by several analysts) was defined, the complement of entrepreneurs would allow the collaborators to see an increase of 11%.

Qué es el salario mínimo empresarial, propuesta que toma fuerza para 2022

"the idea is that this is an issue where entrepreneurs who want it, understand that the only way to move the country forward and improve people's quality of life is to give a little more than the government has stipulated in its minimum wage," says the President of Grupo Oikos.

A backup

Dice él que la idea es darle margen al Ejecutivo en su política de mantener la inflación a raya y negociar un salario mínimo que no afecte esa variable, sin que ello le quite poder adquisitivo a los colombianos. De manera que si el costo de la vivienda subiera 6%, como lo haría también el mínimo, la población tendría una capacidad de compra mayor gracias a los 5 puntos que agregaría el sector privado.

For the time being, this is one more proposal on the table, and Díaz says that he has already socialized with businessmen and guilds, who have shown interest.

Esto se da en un contexto en el que todo indica que la puja por el mínimo será difícil. De un lado, las centrales obreras irían con la convicción de que deberá subir al menos 10%, tal como lo reseñó Diógenes Orjuela, secretario general de la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT).

On the other bank businessmen and experts propose an increase of the order of 6%, which would bring the minimum to $963,037 next year, assuming that currently-without transport aid-it is at $908,526.

The Government, meanwhile, has not shown such a clear position, although it will have the challenge of carrying out an alternative capable of not exerting pressure on rising inflation, while at the same time stimulating household spending through higher incomes.