We Love Flamenco 2022, gold pin for the last day of parades

By : ujikiu / On : 02/06/2022

Putting an end when the emotion is at the heart of the skin is an almost mystical experience. After an intense week of parades, we Love Flamenco closed its X edition with the sweet taste of the mouth that lets us see Flamenco fashion again in its full splendor. On a very emotional and special day, which began with the traditional parade of the Sandra Ibarra Front Al Cancer Foundation, yesterday was the confirmation that Flamenco fashion is more alive than ever.

The fantastic Sandra Ibarra Foundation in front of Cancer returned to the we Love Flamenco gateway, wasting strength, courage and, above all, flamencura. A parade in which designs were seen by all the firms participating in this X edition of the runway, with the collaboration of CaixaBank and Fundación la Caixa. Thus, at the rhythm of Sevillanas and Flamenco inspired music, women struggling against this disease once again showed Flamenco fashion and gave a message of life.

The excitement and solidarity of the morning were followed by the proposals of Mercedes Dobenal, Paco Prieto, Rocío Márquez, Pitusa Gasul, Rocío Olmedo and Pablo Retamero and Juanjo Bernal.

Mercedes Dobenal in we Love Flamenco 2022

In the collection that Mercedes Dobenal proposes for 2022, the Flamenco costume is merged with the Manila Manton and some of the details of it are taken to give free rein to his creativity, hence the collection is named Mantonera. Flecos, grills, embroidery, flowers, loops and madroños shape designs where the Mercedes Dobenal seal is maintained, with many small flyers in skirts, sleeved suits with shoulder flyers, color combinations, moles or Vichy paintings and many patrons details.

>> El desfile de Mercedes Dobenal in we Love Flamenco 2022

Paco Prieto in we Love Flamenco 2022

 We Love Flamenco 2022, broche de oro para la última jornada de desfiles

Of the combs and flyers, this is the name of the collection Paco Prieto created for 2022, inspired by folklorics. More than 20 suits made with all kinds of fabrics and variety in sleeves in their Flamenco, as well as other sewing designs. Many colors, many prints and a lot of joy can be seen in the onubense proposal, all of them elegant and with classic brushstrokes of the regional suit.

>> El desfile de Paco Prieto in we Love Flamenco 2022, todas las fotos

Rocío Márquez in we Love Flamenco 2022

Rociana's designer from Rocío Márquez County has been inspired by her collection for you at El Rocío, and in the horse world to create a collection full of marine blue, beige, white, different shades of pink, green and red. The general lines of his proposals for 2022 are very Flemish, where there is no shortage of perforated, velvet and embroidered strips.

>> El desfile de Rocío Márquez in we Love Flamenco 2022, todas las fotos

Pitusa Gasul in we Love Flamenco 2022

The fairs of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s served as inspiration for Pitusa Gasul, who has created a collection composed of 40 cheerful, comfortable and classic proposals. The era in which the designer has been inspired is reflected in the general lines of Consolera, a collection full of highly crafted garments, with many details, both in costumes and accessories. Cotton, silks and bambulas are the protagonists of this collection, also full of madroños and lace.

>> El desfile de Pitusa Gasul in we Love Flamenco 2022, todas las fotos

Olmedo Rocío in we Love Flamenco 2022

In the case of Rocío Olmedo, the designer is inspired for her new collection in her Queens of the South, a collection that she presented in we Love Flamenco 2020 and which she has continued with La Feria returns for the queens, a thirty proposals made in cotton, gauze and velvet. Color explosion in their costumes, always mythical for the high stems, reminiscent of that Seville Fair of the Prado de San Sebastián.

>> El desfile de Olmedo Rocío in we Love Flamenco 2022, todas las fotos

Pablo Retamero and Juanjo Bernal in we Love Flamenco 2022

Broche de hora para la jornada y para la X edición de We Love Flamenco el de Pablo Retamero y Juanjo Bernal, que llevaron a la pasarela su colección Gachí. "Teníamos claro que queríamos soñar con mujeres seguras, femeninas como siempre y más atrevidas que nunca, con elegancia, pero con muchas ganas de sentirse flamencas", explican desde la firma Pablo Retamero & Juanjo Bernal.

"at the 2021 Fair we met a woman dressed in Flamenco, she caught all the attention of those present in our Plaza del Pan, all the looks were her, and a gentleman exclaimed," what Gachí!, we knew that on our return to the Flamenco we wanted to provoke that reaction, "they add.

Thus, his collection for 2022 begins with a black canvas on which this duo of designers builds a range of colors that shout life, thus opening a window to his particular way of looking at the Flamenco: "intense, fun, safe, fearless and very Andalusian".

>> El desfile de Pablo Retamero y Juanjo Bernal en We Love Flamenco, todas las fotos