Vero Díaz, the designer who represented Mexico at Russia Fashion Week

By : ujikiu / On : 19/12/2022

Mexico - Last Fashion Week in Russia presented a different proposal, where they highlighted sustainable fashion issues and the role of technology in the industry, including artificial intelligence initiatives and digital platforms such as social networks.In addition, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia opened the door to designers from other parts of the world, who showed their collections in video presentations.

The guest countries were Argentina, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, India, Spain, Israel, Cyprus, Nigeria, Holland, Peru, Poland, United States, France, Chile, South Korea, Japan and Mexico.For the participation of Mexico, Mexico Fashion Week extended the invitation to Collective Concepción, Vero Díaz and Alejandra Raw.

In Fashionunited we talked with the original of Yucatán, Vero Díaz, who presented his autumn-winter 2021 collection, native name, during this Russian fashion week, taking a little of its roots and of the Mexican essence contemporary to the Russian public.Next, our conversation about this experience.

How was your experience of representing Mexican fashion at Russia Fashion Week?

When Beatriz streets spoke to me to invite me to participate and present my collection at Fashion Week Russia I couldn't believe it.But you had to prepare everything with very little time.He called me in mid -March and I had to deliver all the material on April 5.I had about 20 days to make the complete collection: inspiration, production, video.It was a very big challenge, but I took it without thinking because it was a great opportunity, one that does not appear every day.

Even so, it wasn't something that felt heavy, because I feel that it flowed very well.The collection represents my style a lot and what I wanted to convey from Mexican fashion to Russia.Above all, a little more modern and avant -garde shows a little more."Wearable" but without losing our essence.

What concept did you want to reflect?

What I wanted to reflect was my DNA as a brand.In the end that is what each designer must have written on the skin and in each of the designs.First it was to take care of this, and at the same time show a Mexican fashion that has roots.I am from Yucatan and here there are a lot.But at the same time I want to bring the brand to the present to be avant -garde and competitive internationally.

I wanted the garments to represent Mexico, my DNA and my roots, but that it was also an international fashion.In the end, the collection is called native, it is inspired by these roots, and it was a combination of all this.I wanted a competitive line and that anyone could use.

What was the most difficult for the process?

Vero Díaz, la diseñadora que representó a México en la semana de la moda de Rusia

I believe that all designers, when we are in the production part of our collections, we always run into wall.It happens to me at the beginning, when I begin to make the first pieces they are always the most difficult and the most late.And it happened to me.I had to make the collection of 23 outings in eight days.We were on day four and I only had two ready garments.I thought we were not going to finish and that there was a collection of 10 pieces.But we already had four models, the entire production team and the concept and we needed at least 20 pieces.

The good thing is that I have a very good work team and I had the ability to produce several garments per day, but at first land the pieces so that they are as you want is very difficult.Above all, taking care of the details because for me this is very important.But overnight it all started flowing and we succeeded.

How did you think about connecting with the Russian market?

I wanted to show my roots and my essence, and it is obviously very different from the style in Russia.Starting with the cold.It is another type of weather, life and style.Yes it cost me a little dealing with that because at first I thought I should make garments that they could use.But in the end we decided to finish the collection with what we know how to do well and that represents the brand.And I feel that it was the best, because what we wanted was to show our style, our Mexican fashion in other countries.

And there was very good comments about the collection.More than what has been in other collections.We have had media interviews in Russia and the results on social networks were very good.As everything was at a digital level, you can see the result of how people interact with your collection and it was very positive.

Since you saw the video of the collection projected, what did you think?

I love it.It has been the video that I liked the most of everything I have done.Music, concept, how the camera moved, scenes.I felt very international.I was surprised that it was more than I could have visualized.And what I liked most is that we did it in 15 days!

Of the garments: I would put me all.I feel they are very "wearable", but with a design and personality proposal.One of my favorites is camel pants with openings to the front, but that grabs the ankles.

How has Vero Díaz transformed during this pandemic?

The most important thing is that this pandemic made me discover something of me that I did not know what I had, which is a gift to make wedding dresses.I discovered my other self.I had already made a collection of girlfriends for the Bridal Fashion, but we left her stagnant because we took it out in June, before the pandemic.This collection, not to let it lose I decided to put it with a special discount to come out.And my brides began to rain.They could not travel to look for a dress, but there were still weddings or at least delivering rings and the few things they could do was choose their wedding dress because they did not know how they were going to get married.

I discovered a huge market that saved me in the pandemic.And in fact it was much more than that.I discovered that I love wedding dresses and be able to see the happy and crying girlfriend.It is a very big emotion because I could not believe that they were choosing a dress of mine for the most important day of their life.It is a very satisfactory feeling.

So now let's keep the three lines.The brand will have its Ready To Wear collection, wedding dresses and night dresses.

What are the most strange of presentations in person?

Show Day Adrenaline.That "rush" and those nerves of the backstage are a very extreme and fun sensation.And it is not lost over the years.Although you acquire more security with experience, adrenaline is totally different because what each show transmits on the catwalk is totally different.For example, when we made the Ixchel collection I took a group of Maya to play, but then I regretted because they arrived painted when I asked them not to do it and basically did what they wanted in the show.I was very stressed in the backstage.But when we did Summer of ‘69 it was a totally different experience.The collection was inspired by the seventies and was very funny and cheerful.Everything was very relaxed and even suddenly rained from the roof.That time I was even dancing in the backstage.