Start Lunars 2022, so have the parades of the new Andalusian talents

By : ujikiu / On : 26/05/2022

The Flamenco fashion is more alive than ever and this 2022 is assuming its strong reactivation. The first trends in Flamenco fashion have already been seen by 2022 and in a few days a new edition of SIMOF will be held, the poster of which hides a truly inspiring story. Now, as a prelude to the International Hall of Flamenco fashion, a new edition of Lunar Entrepreneur has been held, the competition that seeks to project the careers of new talents of Flamenco fashion.

This Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the seven winning designers of the sixth edition of the Cajasol Enterprise Lunar contest with SIMOF presented their Flamenco fashion collections at the headquarters of the Cajasol Foundation. The parades were attended by Raquel Revuelta, Director of the Double-Erre fashion and Communication Agency, and Antonio Pulido, President of the Cajasol Foundation.

The designers participating in the parades of this sixth edition of Empreda Lunares with SIMOF are from Seville, Huelva, Jaén and Córdoba. The aim of this program is to boost the professional careers of Flamenco fashion talents with training workshops that have consisted of a training plan in business management, a promotion plan involving participation in the individual parade held at the Cajasol Foundation and in a parade at the International Hall of Flamenco fashion (SIMOF) in 2023.

 Emprende Lunares 2022, así han sido los desfiles de los nuevos talentos andaluces

Raquel Revuelta, director of the double Erre Agency, says that after six years celebrating Lunar Entrepreneur with SIMOF "we are very happy with the development that the program is having. With a certain perspective we can see that the objective of this program of giving an option to entrepreneurs, with a certain age, to develop as professional designers of Flamenco fashion is being fulfilled. That is the true success of Emprede Lunares. Many of those who started in this program, feeling that it was a dream, have already made it come true." *

According to the Committee of Experts that selected the seven winners of this edition Lunar Entrepreneur with SIMOF ensure that the winners are characterized by having an excellent level. The designers are: Amalia Solomon, Aire Puro collection (Huelva); Beatriz Benítez, Flamenco Art-Déco collection (Sevilla); Mar Soriano, reencounter collection (Sevilla); Mari Sánchez, liquid Gold collection (Jaén); María Sanz, MIS Raíces collection (Jaén); Rosa Villa, essence collection (Huelva); Xihomara Pinto, collection Mi essence (Córdoba). Each has presented a collection of five exclusive designs. Thus, through their Flamenco fashion proposals, designers showed that innovation is not at odds with tradition and that new promises have been stepping very hard.