Emprende Lunares 2022: The parades of the future of flamenco fashion - South Boulevard

By : ujikiu / On : 12/01/2023

The seven winning designers of the VI edition of the Cajasol Emprende Lunares Foundation Contest with Simof presented on Wednesday, January 26, their flamenco fashion collections at the headquarters of the Cajasol Foundation.The parades were attended by Antonio Pulido, president of the Cajasol and Raquel Revuelta Foundation, director of the Double Erre Fashion and Communication Agency.

The designers participating in the parades of this VI edition of Emprende Lunares with Simof are from Seville, Huelva, Jaén and Córdoba.All have been part of a new edition of the program led by the Cajasol Foundation and the Double Erre Fashion and Communication Agency, with the collaboration of Simof and FIBES.The objective of this program is to boost the professional careers of flamenco fashion talents with training workshops that have consisted of a business management training plan, a promotion plan that involves participation in this individual parade in the Cajasol Foundation and in aParade in the International Flemish Fashion Hall (Simof) in 2023.


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Emprende lunares 2022


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According to the expert committee that selected the seven winners of this Entrepreneur Lunares edition with Simof they assure that the winners are characterized by having an excellent level.The designers are: Amalia Salomón, "Pure air" collection (Huelva);Beatriz Benítez, "Flamenco Art-Déco" collection (Seville);Soriano Mar, "Reunion" collection (Seville);Mari Sánchez, "Liquid Gold" (Jaén) collection;María Sanz, "My roots" collection (Jaén);Rosa Villa, "Essence" collection (Huelva);Xihomara Pinto, "Mi Essence" collection (Córdoba).Each has presented a collection of five exclusive designs.

Raquel Revuelta, director of the Double Erre agency, says that after six years celebrating polls with Simof they are “very happy with the development that the program is having.With some perspective we can verify that the objective of this program to give option to entrepreneurs, with a certain age, to develop as professional flamenco fashion designers is being fulfilled.That is the true success of Emprende Lunares.Many of those who started in this program, feeling that it was a dream, have already come true ».

The parades have had the special collaboration of Fibes Sevilla, the sponsorship of Marqués de Cáceres and aromas;And the collaboration of Ana Camero's hairdresser and the Cristina Rivero Makeup School.

Photos: Chema Soler