This is how the styles of houses will be this year: multifunctional, sustainable and relaxed

By : ujikiu / On : 28/03/2022

The house is the heart of our intimacy and family life. The home changed, adapted and took on relevance like never before after the pandemic. And the decoration imposes its touch of distinction. By Writing For YouEmailDecoBy Writing For YouEmailDeco

Trends that arrive, stay, merge, and go. Nordic style, sustainable home and smart home, multifunctional spaces and furniture, conscientious and artisan decoration, with art and living nature. These are the house items for 2022.

The home is claimed as the center of our intimacy and family life and, after changing habits and its functionalities, it is time to set it with a new spirit and decorate it according to new trends.

The slow life that we dream of becomes a reality through small corners of relaxation inside the house and warm and welcoming spaces, armed to offer a moment of peace and shelter.

The house as a refuge is an emotional concept that came to be installed, comfortably and amplified. And the spaces most identified with these sensations, such as the kitchen, will be the most pampered when it comes to reforming, redesigning and redecorating.

The bathroom will also be the protagonist of the home of 2022, reformulated beyond its practical functions to put itself in spa mode and enhance its qualities as a design space, comfort, health and well-being.

Así serán los estilos de casas este año: multifuncionales, sostenibles y relajados

In interior design, rounded shapes that evoke restraint and optimism prevail, and luxury changes control: space matters, what we can do and, above all, how we feel in it.

For this reason, the trending styles for the coming season will be those linked to comfort and sobriety. The Nordic is still valid. The deco trend that consecrates simplicity, neutral colors and noble materials, light and textures, continues with the japandi style as an ally.

But it is also enhanced with a touch of mid-century retro design on the one hand, and on the other enhancing its aura of naturalness with modern designs that bet on recycling and noble materials, such as wood and marble.

In addition to being an ally of the Scandinavian style, japandi is installed as a new classic in interior design. The style that is characterized by its simplicity, sobriety and functionality! gains strength in interior designs that, beyond the decorative, aim to generate an interior connection.

This is linked to the concept of 'ikigai' (reason for being) of oriental philosophical origin and application here and now, in our home. In addition to vindicating craftsmanship, art finds its way into the home through unique, exclusive and personalized design and decoration objects.

And the key word is “home automation”, a term that defines technological systems designed to automate homes and make them smarter in terms of energy use, security and communication, as well as the management and integration of entertainment media, among other applications. .

Another fusion that passed through the door of the house and remains is the idea of ​​the home with space to work. The hybrid work modality and the home office as an installed system ceased to be a novelty to become a challenge and issue to be resolved by decorators who need to complement a comfortable and productive work space with aesthetic value and style.

It is that "multifunctionality" is another key word of 2022. A trend that was born in the need of the period of confinement and that continues today as a versatile habitat, integrating environments and more dynamic.

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