These are the 5 iconic furniture you should know if you like decoration

By : ujikiu / On : 27/02/2023

Throughout the last decades we have witnessed a rapid rise, and subsequent decrease, of numerous decoration trends.Now, warm minimalism or Hanói style reigned in the world of interior design.However, beyond the decorative fashions of each moment, there are pieces that survive any current.

Precisely three of them we want to talk to you today because although Ikea's furniture or Primark Home Reign accessories in most households, these proposals marked a before and after in the history of the decoration.

The sofa is one of the protagonist furniture of any house, hence its choice is not a trivial theme.There are numerous proposals to succeed, but there are few icons, being one of the most prominent the Chester or Chesterfield couch.Its origins take us to the 18th century, when the Vizconde de Chesterfield commissioned a cabanist a sofa that will help sit straight (without wrinkling clothes).

The result is still a design icon, a brown leather sofa with plates and support for the same height that a capital tapestry should have.A proposal for marking British air that sweeps today in an industrial style spaces.

We travel this time half the twentieth century (a golden age for interior design) to discover the magic of the Tulip table.Created between 1955 and 1956 by Eero Saarinen, and for sale since then in the prestigious firm Knoll, the Finnish architect sought a futuristic influence furniture.Thus, he designed the Tulip line (in which this table is integrated) with a design inspired by how they then believed that the future would be.

Estos son los 5 muebles icónicos que debes conocer si te gusta la decoración

A proposal where the only leg (or pedestal) is the great recognizable seal.For sale since then, we can find it in different sizes, materials and prices, since there are numerous pieces inspired by it.Although those of the Knoll company, which has the design registered, part of about 6.000 euros for dining tables.

Over the centuries, mirrors have been authentic luxury pieces, only suitable for the richest characters of the time, such as kings and queens.Although from the seventeenth century they became more accessible and popular.Its moment of greatest expansion, for most citizens, would arrive in the 18.

A piece that finished polishing the designer Line Vautrin in the 60s, since he created a finer and more minimalist model that today continues to imitate hundreds of both affordable and luxurious signatures.Thus, sun -style mirrors remain a decorative accessory that sweeps sales.

We must also highlight one of the most iconic chairs (or armchairs) in the history of decoration: the Barcelona chair.Created by Ludwig Mies Van de Rohe and Lilly Reich in 1929, being his technical name MR90, he was part of the National Pavilion of Germany for the International Exhibition of Barcelona in 1929.A simple design, far from the most ornamental pieces of Art Deco, that now they are so fashionable in this 2022.

Thus, Van de Rohe and Lilly Reich have gone down due to their chromed steel structure and leather seat with elegant and very studied proportions to give comfortability.An icon inspired by the 'Selas Curulis' chairs of the Roman Empire that symbolize power and that reached even more fame when it began to occur for the public in the 50s.Now, also marketed by the Knoll firm, an original Barcelona chair can be ours.000 euros, according to the finish.

Finally, although there are many more interior design icons that deserve to be in this brief selection, we want to say goodbye to the Sputnik lamp.A symbol of the space race and dreams about the future that, more than five decades later, remains modern and avant -garde.Created in 1957 in honor of the Soviet Union satellite of the same name, it is a King of the Mid Century style.

Today we can find this type of lamps in different colors and formats, although the combination of gold metal with white bulbs continues to be the favorite.Ideal especially not to recharge small spaces, it is always good to remember that these historical pieces are a wonderful source of inspiration in our homes.Time passes in their favor and seem to gain style with every decade.