The Madrid who is behind the bags that triumph in Paris: "The Spanish are more sophisticated than the French"

By : ujikiu / On : 31/10/2022

"Once the fear is lost, many knots are undone," says France Lamy, the designer who has conquered the French jet with the bags of his signature, 'Josefina', the brand that the Parisians now throw their shoulder and someOf the most stylish women of the moment, among others, Marion Cotillard, Elisa Sednaoui, Caroline de Maigret, Karolina Kurkova, Sara Carbonero and Olivia Molina, who take them daily.

She undid the knot in 2015, when she decided to launch her own project after 10 years working in the marketing department of a multinational, a "natural" step, he tells us, because he grew up in a family of "entrepreneurs and creatives".But that didn't make it simple."The most difficult thing was to lose the fear of being wrong, it is what usually stops in these cases," he confesses.

The moment came just with the break that supposes motherhood."When I had my daughter Olivia I couldn't take away the idea of Josefina de la Cabeza.I did not find any mother's bag that was beautiful, and did not understand that there were no adapt to the real needs of a woman, that they were practical, versatile and quality.So I decided to make the perfect bag for me, assuming that it would not be the only one with this need ".

So it was.France, Madrid's and French adoption - "I have been living in Paris 17 years, although I often escaped Spain and I have a house in Santander where the summers pass," he explained with the key: many sought the same as her as she: "My bags are versatile and are inspired by the real life of women, not in red carpets," he says."They go to off -road women who go from school to work and work to a dinner or home.That one day teleworking and the next are in the office.These women need a bag that helps them organize their diary, their computer, notebooks, and even bottles and honeycombs if they have a baby ".

Therefore, although her models are chosen by celebs -"a personal satisfaction and a pride" -when designing them she seeks inspiration in the strangers she sees on the street and in her friends."I like to imagine the life of the women who will take them, think if they go by bike, in motorcycle or subway, if they travel, if they usually go to a dinner directly after the office, if they work with the computer in a coffee or if they walkthrough the streets of Paris with a baby stroller...", it states.

That is also his day to day, marked by his life with children, that which was at the origin of his signature.The mornings are timed, "alarm clock at 7:15 to get to school at 8:29", and from there, "every day is different and I run everywhere.I try to have one or two meals per week with Parisian entrepreneurs because it is very enriching, and the afternoons I pass them in the office with the Paris team.The rest is very variable: a shooting, an appointment with the press or an influencer, a trip for meetings, skin and production quality controls, prototype validation..."Essential a bag in which he fits everything and can be taken anywhere.

La madrileña que está detrás de los bolsos que triunfan en París:

His, with ancient name and an absolute tendency design -"I was inspired by Colette [the mythical concept store Parisino], it was the most cool store, but I had a very traditional name; I wanted to replicate the idea," he explains-, they have thatFrench chic that seduces at first sight.Live in Paris makes a difference when it comes to being at the forefront of trends? We ask him."It was like that a few years ago, but today a little less.With social networks, you can follow from a small town the most stylish people of each European capital.I inspire myself very inspired by the Parisian real woman, with whom I cross in a restaurant or on the street;It is true that I need to be in Paris to be able to see them ".

In this way, it sounds like the extended belief that the French are the most elegant;Is there a lot of difference with the Spanish? We insist."The big difference is that they do not fix much, or at least they want to give the impression that they have not worried too much about their appearance: disheveled hair, little makeup, a simple look that usually has a male touch, like a blazerstraight.It is an attitude of very self -security, and that usually impacts.The Spanish like to get ready and notice: impeccable hair, heel..., they usually go together.The Spanish is more feminine, sophisticated and even more elegant.The French has more style, he takes more risks;For example you can put a jacket with a male cut to attend a wedding, "he says.And in a matter of bags it is clear: "The best artisans are in Spain, in France and in Italy".

After the success of Josefina, France, who defines herself as a woman passionate about painting, photography, fashion and decoration and finding her relax space in the countryside, cooking and family -"I love to see the sea,Doing sports and laughing with my children and sleeping (a lot when they leave me!) "-, confesses that at the moment, with all the problems of purchasing of raw materials and inflation, its headache is" having production in timeAnd in time without an exorbitant price ".Among its short -term plans, implant in the United States."I'm always thinking of an idea for the brand, something new to do.It happens to me unconsciously, effortlessly ".

Un buen bolso tiene que tener...
Una magnifica piel, estar hecho con mucho mimo por un buen artesano. ¡Y ser muy práctico!
¿Y qué se lleva este invierno? ¿Qué tenemos que comprar para estar a la última en cuestión de tendencias?
¡En accesorios solo veo maxibolsos! Creo que es por nuestra vida actual, que cada vez es mas nómada. Y en moda, un vestido largo de punto blanco. Acabo de comprar uno en Sessùn para una sesión de fotos y es increíble.
¿Cuáles son los que necesitamos en nuestro fondo de armario, los básicos para cubrir cualquier situación?
Siendo minimalista, yo recomiendo tener cuatro bolsos en total. Dos de diario, más bien grandes para llevar todo lo necesario para el trabajo: ordenador, cuadernos... Y dentro, un pequeño pouch para guardar los básicos para salir a comer o hacer algún recado. O bien dos colores diferentes -por ejemplo, uno negro básico y otro de color-, o bien dos formatos distintos, como uno bowling y una mochila. Y luego otros dos bolsos pequeños para la noche: uno negro y otro de un color más alegre y divertido.
Si no sabemos cuál llevar, ¿en quién podemos inspirarnos sin miedo a fallar?
En Caroline de Maigret, que lleva como bolso de diario el bowling grande negro; en Elisa Sednaoui, que utiliza los pouch de la colección 'Funtasia' para llevar el maquillaje en su bolso a diario; en Sara Carbonero, que no se quita la mochila marrón, y en Olivia Molina, a quien le ocurre lo mismo con la mochila negra trenzada.
¿Y a quién le falta por conquistar? ¿A quién le gustaría ver con un bolso suyo?
¡Soñaría con ver a Gwyneth Paltrow! Es una empresaria de éxito con un estilazo. También es verdad que al final lo que realmente me hace ilusión es cruzarme con mujeres desconocidas por la calle llevando uno de mis bolsos, es una sensación muy extraña.

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