The more recharged, the better: Christmas is celebrated again as before

By : ujikiu / On : 14/11/2022

A Nutcracker smiles from the happiness of the room, a deer adorns the window.The red ornaments of the tree reflect the light of the candles, and next to them hang red balls.Christmas plates, bluffs and lace decorate the table.

The image can send to the living room of some European great -grandmother during Christmas Eve or look like the most beautiful showcase of a large store during the Advent. Sin embargo, es la tendencia en decoración para la Navidad 2021.

¿Significa esto que se va a volver a celebrar la Navidad como en los buenos viejos tiempos? La experta alemana en tendencias Gabriela Kaiser, que analizó los productos de Adviento disponibles en los comercios, afirma que la idea es que este año las celebraciones navideñas sean más bonitan que nunca antes.

El objetivo es recrear una Navidad fantástica similar a las de los libros de cuentos infantiles.The more recharged, the better!The nostalgic is currently fashionable, fantastic in the style of fairy tales.


It could be argued that Christmas decoration was always like this.But the fact that there is so much of this in all the different decoration styles is quite striking.According to analysts in trends, this is due to several reasons.

Por un lado, uno muy importante es que se están viviendo tiempos de incertidumbre debido a la pandemia, en los que los elementos asociados a la infancia brindan inconscientemente una sensación de bienestar."This memory has a comforting effect: it creates a feeling of comfort and trust," says German trends seeker Claudia Herke, who analyzes the novelties for the Christmasworld fair in Franncfort.

A Christmas tree as left a fairy tales book

Mientras más recargado, mejor: la Navidad se vuelve a festejar como antes

Many people repeat the old family traditions or rediscovered them in adulthood. Este fenómeno se observa en muchos ámbitos, como por ejemplo en la moda o en la elección de los muebles: a los nietos les vuelve a gustar lo que le gustaba a la abuela.

However, the generation of the parents, who is in the middle of these two, can dispense quietly of all these things. Esto significa que los jóvenes comienzan a festejar la Navidad de una manera que ellos mismos no experimentaron nunca antes."Once elsewhere, they had only witnessed that kind of Christmas leafing through children's books or watching old movies," says Kaiser.

“In every good fairy tale, the classic Christmas tree is decorated with red balls. Y en el suelo hay un caballito de madera y un pequeño tren a vapor”, ejemplifica.However, these are not the only decorative fashion pieces that question the consumer at an emotional level.

Motivos relacionados con la naturaleza como hojas, nueces, ramitas o piñas simbolizan un “contrapunto al tedio digital”, asegura Herke.He adds that they represent the same type of deceleration that can generate a walk through a quiet forest.

This also allows awareness of advent and winter, a icy era in many countries, in which people spend a short time outdoors. Es entonces el momento de llevar la naturaleza a casa y hacer que el entorno hogareño sea especialmente bello y acogedor.

Exuberant decorations

A esto se suma otra tendencia: muchos están decorando actualmente sus casas de forma comparativamente más opulenta y elaborada que hace unos años. Gabriela Kaiser utiliza el término “altamente decorado” para esto.One of the reasons for this, in his opinion, is that the feeling that many things have to be recovered still reigns.

“Last year there were many restrictions during the Christmas season due to pandemic.Many people could not celebrate together.So the last celebration was a bit reduced, ”he recalls.And there the circle closes: Christmas of 2021 should be able to compensate and provide many things.Therefore, the idea is that the home looks as pleasant as possible.Like before.Or as in children's books. Porque es lo que el corazón necesita en este momento. (I)