The high demand for mathematicians does not cover hundreds of teachers' places

By : ujikiu / On : 30/08/2022


The market law mandates and those who know how to handle themselves in the world of numbers and algorithms play with great advantage.The experts in what were previously called exact sciences are coveted by the industry, from the 'big data' to food distribution.The mathematical method has demonstrated its validity to solve problems of physics, chemistry biology, medicine, social sciences, engineering, economy, finance, ecology, among other branches of knowledge.Discipline constitutes a tool that is used both to detect cancer, find a vaccine or stop a fire.

Traditionally the main labor exit of mathematicians was teaching.Today the labor market raises more suggestive offers to graduates.The new industrial revolution, digitalization, demands professionals with well -trained brains in the use of abstract logic and thinking.Before finishing the career, there are few students receive appetizing offers.That is why not surprise that mathematicians begin to miss at school.

In the latest oppositions to Mathematics Professor for the Secondary stage, more than 720 places have been deserted.Hence, many vacancies are covered with people who have studied chemistry, architecture, statistics or an engineer, careers where mathematical competences are also requested, although the demand is not the same.The president of the Education Commission of the Real Mathematical Society (RSME), Luis J.Rodríguez Muñiz, ensures that the desertion of mathematicians of the Data of Old Educational System.25 years ago, half of the members of their promotion ruled out teaching as a means to make a living.«What has happened is that the phenomenon has accentuated.In universities the awakening of the teaching vocation is encouraged, ”he says.

"In universities the awakening of the teaching vocation is encouraged," says the Royal Spanish Mathematics Society

For Onofre Monzó, from the Spanish Federation of Mathematics Teachers, a teacher teacher between 1.700 euros and 1.800 net euros per month.In private companies, you can earn somewhat less at the beginning, but there are more promotions of promotion.In view of the fact that companies are disputed, some graduates go out of Spain.

La alta demanda de matemáticos deja sin cubrir cientos de plazas de profesores

The 2008 crisis, the bad moment that some companies dedicated to public works have passed and the chopped drop in salaries have caused many engineers.«There is a fairly frequent profile of people who already with 40 years and a professional career outside the field of education decide to do the master's degree to be able to teach in ESO and present themselves to the opposition.The bad thing is that the preparation they have is the most appropriate, ”explains Rodríguez Muñiz.This poor formation is due to the fact that engineering curricula have greatly reducing the weight of mathematics related subjects.

Exam design

Apart from labor imperatives, the exam, according to those interested, is poorly designed.In the test, which consists of two parts, mathematical knowledge acquires a lot of importance, while the didactic competences have a residual significance.Not only that, it can be the case that whoever suspends the opposition can access the job bag and exercise teaching as interim.

"Students with teachers specialized in mathematics get better results," says teachers

Every year the Spanish faculties leave about 1.100 graduates in mathematics.In the last public employment offer they went to contest 3.600 places, including the Catalans, whose oppositions were held in 2020.With this number, it is impossible to cover the call.The fact that graduates outside the discipline impart mathematics ends up resulting in a bad student learning."I have seen reports about the United Kingdom and Australia that indicate that students with teachers specialized in mathematics get better results," says Monzó.

Enrolling in the mathematics career, with hardly any unemployment, is an arduous task.Most faculties require a cut -off note greater than 10 out of 14, and if they are double degrees, such as mathematics and physical, a rating of 13 is demanded.

Lourdes has appeared to the exams and does not want to give his full name.He has worked in a consultant and decided to attend the opposition for his high teaching vocation and because the degree of stress and anxiety generated by his bosses became intolerable.«The tests that are done have nothing to see with what you are going to face in class.But what bothers me the most is there are people who, having fallen into the oppositions, can teach thanks to the fact that they enter the interim work bag, ”he alleges.

