The free Android Huawei P50 Pocket is a folding mobile too expensive, and only has an explanation

By : ujikiu / On : 17/01/2023

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We have talked about Huawei's situation in multiple articles in this medium, but so far we had not explained how the Chinese company was entering the folding mobile segment.The company already had two models in its native country, the 2019 huawei x and the huawei mate xs that we could try, but it has not been until the third that has decided to bring flexible mobiles to other markets.

The chosen device has been the Huawei P50 Pocket, a Concha format very similar to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 that we have talked about so much in this annual experiment with folding mobiles.

While waiting to be able to receive a test unit to analyze it thorough.

The price of Huawei P50 Pocket is very high

Huawei P50 Pocketm.S.R omicrono

El Androide Libre El Huawei P50 Pocket es un móvil plegable demasiado caro, y sólo tiene una explicación

When Huawei confirmed that he would bring his folding terminal to Spain I thought they were aware that Samsung was squeezing a lot not only in technology or brand positioning, but even in price, with offers from the Galaxy Z Flip 3 really striking.

Which was not my surprise when I saw that this p50 pocket would go on sale for 1599 euros, almost double what its greatest rival costs on offer and almost the same as the Samsung Galaxy Z fold 3.

On equal terms this mobile would have a great disadvantage against the Samsung, but it is that the veto of the United States to Huawei prevents him from playing on equal terms.It has no 5g or Google services.It is true that it has more than those of the Samsung, such as RAM or cameras, but still the price is very high.

Huawei points to a segment where the price does not matter

Huawei P50 Pocketm.S.R omicrono

That price, together with the peculiar design of the units shown in the press event they have made me think if Huawei will not be pointing to a sector that values the design than one that values the technology.

In that sector, fashion, the price is something much less rational and more linked to taste and an image that you want to project.5G, for example, is not important.

Not in vain Huawei has been associated with the fashion designer Iris van Herpen to create a version of this terminal, which you see in the photographs of this article, which our Omicrono companions took.This Danish designer uses a lot of technology in her creations, something that goes in the same line of what Huawei seems to look for.

Iris Van Herpen Iris Van Herpen fashion designs

This idea is reinforced with the detail that Huawei has to give the Huawei Freebuds Lipstick with the purchase of this mobile.We do not say it for the price (about 200 euros) but because it is possibly wireless headphones with a more iconic design.

Freebuds lipstickhuawei omicrono

This change in strategy could make sense for the brand, allowing it to grow in an environment where the limitations that the United States veto is forced are not so relevant, but it is true that in that sector Samsung also wants to enter, with variants of the ZFlip 3 like Bespoke Edition and, above all, is Apple.

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