Anne Igartiburu super sexy: bodice, pants and layer does not wear a caprile dress!

By : ujikiu / On : 30/07/2022

RTVEPORRAFAEL MUÑOZ (@munoz_rafa) bells

They are the stellar couple of television and fashion.Anne Igartiburu and Lorenzo Caprile maintain a professional romance that has been surprising in the RTVE bells for years, a space that they color red.This year the color is maintained, but there is an important change: Anne does not wear a dress."This year the dress was already done a long time ago, and suddenly I came up with the idea of putting a pants, and that is why this year I did not wear a dress to use, it is a pants with a bodice and a layer".The layer can be attracted, it is sophisticated and very elegant.And most importantly, fulfills its function."This year I don't wear a long sleeve, but I'm very warm, because it's very cold.I am warm, as I tell you, but with something that is very lucid ".

We have already seen Anne with a cape."The first time I made the bells with Ramón wore cape, which was from the Spanish house Seseña," he recalls.The one now is very special, for several reasons."It's bicolor, has a pink point and what we have done is a sustainable fashion wink, using materials Lorenzo already had.He loved the idea, and he marked what he liked.We have taken advantage of some garments that already existed and especially retales, to create the pants as I wanted, with the fabric that I wanted ".

A 100% Caprile bodice

The bodice powerfully attracts attention.It is a piece that is part of the Caprile universe, and Anne already took it in 2009, when she premiered with the dressmaker."The bodice carries the waist very marked, which is what Lorenzo likes, marking my waist and leaving the shoulders in the air.The layer carries a more pink tone inside, and has a very wide neck.It is a neckline that is very clean, and without jewelry, "he clarifies, and reveals that he has a very high heel sandals, also of a Spanish firm.

The earrings are from the famous Lladró house, with which Anne feels very identified."Its porcelain is very special and the company has a strong environmental commitment, betting on the sustainable use of materials, produce by hand and also has a special relationship with employees.I wanted to do something with them, because I collaborate with them all year.It is a wink to Spanish crafts and the relationship with nature! ".

Ana is very present

Anne Igartiburu súper sexy: corpiño, pantalón y capa ¡No lleva vestido de Caprile!

Anne Igartiburu was going to give RTVE's bells with Ana Obregón, as they did in 2020.But it could not be because the actress and presenter has tested positive for COVID-19."Ana is Malita, but she has been, and is, in our thinking, in our mind and what we wanted was to honor her, and honor her professional career".But Anne has not been alone, and has had an exception partner.Jacob Petrus."He is a partner and is a friend, we understand each other very well, he is an expert of the directs and is a great communicator.He says he is very excited and I share that joy with him ".

Nieves Álvarez: todo sobre su fabuloso vestido de Montenegro RAFAEL MUÑOZ(@munoz_rafa)

Anne Igartiburu yJacob Petrus despiden el año desde la Puerta del Sol de Madrid y cogen el relevo Nieves Álvarez y Roberto Herrera desde la isla de La Palma.Flash fashion model and presenter says that Anne has been very generous with her, since she has offered help and has given her some tips."It makes me very excited that Nieves is also giving the bells," he says, and reveals where the secret lies to do it well."The secret is to do it from love, and be focused on what you have to do.We turn very over when things come out correctly, share it with the viewer and make sure they start the year ".

Todos los vestidos de Anne Igartiburu en las Campanadas

One night in red

Red is the color of Lorenzo Caprile, the tone in which he is best expressed, professionally speaking.And from Red A has dressed Anne Igartiburu in all these years.The dressmaker has vary the tissues and jumped from the mate to the bright tones, and from the smooth to the embroidery and lace.Anne dismissed 2020 with a dress made with red sequins, with a simple pattern: long, box neck, adjusted to her silhouette and, as always, in red.For Anne, wearing a dress from Lorenzo Caprile on the last night of the year is more than dressing.This was what she said almost a year ago."How is a work of art created? There is a part that undoubtedly puts the genius.That is Lorenzo Caprile.And another, the team that accompanies it that its creation is carried out with crafts and dedication, such as Francisco Hamararal and the rest of the dressmakers and embroidery.Genius makes you never know what will arise until the last moment.And Lorenzo gives the passion to do something unique to not forget and more, on a night, "he said.It is clear that he enjoys wearing the dress, but also of the entire creation process.

"I wanted something simple, but not sad.With light, but not exaggerated.He, Lorenzo, put the magic of his architecture on a body that is made every time the tissue sculpts on me.The rest has been a thing of the good energy that the dressmaker delivers now more than ever.Everything is fine, it's always fine, because it is made from excellence and love ".

Neckline yes, but long sleeve

The neckline is one of the most important elements, especially since it is the part that is most seen that night, both in the open and in the middle plane.That is why Caprile strives and changing the pattern of the dresses so that they have different necklines: in Uve, word of honor, asymmetric, veiled by a transparent silk tulle.Anne Igartiburu is the presenter who has been giving the bells in an uninterrupted way for the most time.In RTVE he has been doing it since 2005 and before he did it for three years in Euskal Telebista.In RTVE he has not always dressed in red, he began to do it in 2009, and since then this color marks his 'great night'.The relationship with Lorenzo Caprile began in 2009 and it is already 12 years hilvanando a success after another.