Shops in Bizkaia local design and many flowers: the shops of Las Arenas that choose the most fashionable ones

By : ujikiu / On : 30/05/2022


Coming from a family of bankers, Paloma Aramburu Urigüen did not follow the tradition. She graduated in business administration and management at the UPV and when she finished the race, she moved to Madrid to specialize in the direction of communication and public relations. She got work in the marketing department of a multinational and during this time she also met her life partner, current husband and father of her three children. They married 12 years ago and made the decision to leave everything to return to the sands, the place that saw Paloma grow. "Going back was a bit hard because I worshiped my work and there was no similar job offers here," she says. She wanted to undertake her own business and, despite her ease to make decisions and launch to adventure, she did not find it simple. «It cost me a lot, it was something that I had never lived closely. My parents were not creating companies out there ». At first, she built from scratch and with a partner a fashionable 'showroom in this coastal town, where they sold foreign signatures to different shops in our country. This stage ended in 2014, but, a year later, she Paloma decided to lift the 'Pope Selection' blind, a fashion store, decoration and gift items, located on Urquijo street number 18 of the sands.

Paloma inside your store./ Mireya López

This new professional tour of Paloma coincided with his third pregnancy. "I ventured to undertake for the first time when I was about to give birth to my eldest daughter, she is curious," she says. Full of illusion, she found the perfect place for her business: "At first, she planned to open another 'showroom', but then I decided to sell fashion to the neighbors of the Arenas." This space, somewhat away from the center, was a frozen store before this Biscay was filled with beautiful and stylish pieces. «Imagine the work I had to do. First, I changed the walls, then the floor ... », she says. With care and much care, she was contributing personality to that place, where she today sells her articles with her best smile and where she is also fulfilling a dream. "I ordered the counter and put one of the dining tables that I had in my house," he says. In this way, the store was acquiring that "French style" that she wanted to get. His door, painted in turquoise blue, is an incentive for passersby who pass in front of the trade. Once they exceed the entrance, they just have to choose what will take on that occasion.

The interior of 'Pope Selection'./ Mireya López

Tiendas en Bizkaia Diseño local y muchas flores: la tienda de Las Arenas que eligen las que más saben de moda

Nicolás Sívori, her husband, is her great support and together they gave the name of the store. «We were the 'Scandal' series and its protagonist, Olivia, was named Pope. We found an attractive word. The 'selection' came from before, because it refers to what I do: select articles, ”she explains. Over time, Paloma's most personal project was taking shape. She began to bring pieces of international brands that she chooses exhaustively on her trips to Paris. In addition, she also sets a privileged place to local firms and can be bought from papiroga pending to Zubi bags or neighboring Laura bikinis. We are facing a trade that does not cease to surprise its customers, due to its concept 'soon fashion': «This means that there are news every week, many people are surprised,” she explains. Throughout its 50 square meters, Paloma displays a practical and casual fashion, where sober and dusty tones prevail. A style that has captivated the most fashionable, such as Image Advisor Ana Vijandi.

Hats that Paloma sells in your store./ Mireya López

A store that proposes a lifestyle

His articles not only focus on fashion.Since she lifted the local blind, she dreamed of building more than a store.She wanted a 'Concept Store' or, which is the same, a trade that would sell a lifestyle.Therefore, Liken's natural branches, a Getxo florist specialized in weddings and events, have a privileged space at the entrance.«Many people have the habit of buying bouquets of flowers every week to cheer their home, so they go through the store to choose the one they like best.They are composed of a flower that endures in time, ”he says.

The candles offered by Paloma in your trade./ Mireya López

Articles for home, which personally selects at fairs in Madrid and Paris, also have a place.Among his proposals are tablecloths, trays, candles or fragrances capable of giving a special touch to the home.«Sometimes, during my trips I discover products that fall in love.I point the name of the brand and INECO to contact her to bring them to my store, ”he says.This is the case of one of the last accessories that she has added to the long list of items: a PUF to go to the beach."It's light and comfortable," she says.In addition, trade is specialized in gift products.«A few months before the pandemic, I opened a second store in the place next door with products to surprise our closest people.However, I had to close it following the Covid-19 crisis, ”he says.

The exterior of the store that runs Paloma in Las Arenas./ Mireya López

So much is the esteem that has a dove to its clients that, when it is in Paris, it often selects expressly thought sets for a specific person."Rosalba, the person who helps me with the store, also reminds me of what I have to choose for them," she recognizes.And, after six years, many of her buyers have blind confidence in her.

A small collection of bags in 'Pope Selection'./ Mireya López

During the quarantine, and given the impossibility of opening the premises, Paloma launched its online store. «Thus, my customers were able to continue buying. Thanks to them I am here today, ”she admits excitedly. Both the 'E-Shop' and social networks are tools of vital importance in full 21st century. On her Instagram, for example, the 5,000 followers are already overcome. «It is a virtual showcase that reaches many people. We usually show the articles that are coming although, sometimes, we don't even upload them to the web because they are sold immediately, ”she admits. It is a new route of communication with the faithful of the 'Concept Store'. Her conversations begin with direct messages and sometimes end up by WhatsApp. Even bonds of friendship have been created. «We have a Madrid client that usually buy us a lot. She a few weeks ago she told me that she came to visit Bilbao and that she was going to make a rigor stop in the store. After a year of being talking on the phone, we finally got face and even took a picture, ”she says smiling.

A dress and a 'pope selection' fabric bag./ Mireya López

For Paloma, 'Pope Selection' was also his perfect formula to reconcile his work and family life."Although I work many hours, it allows me to take my three children to school, if they get bad they have me next to home ..." she says.She assures that running her own business requires a lot of effort, but "it is worth it, because it is enjoyed.""I do not disconnect throughout the year, therefore, my only requirement is to close during the month of August," she admits.Although she did not collect the witness of her family, Paloma acknowledges that she would like to see Martina, her eldest daughter, taking the reins of the business in which she turns now all her time, her values and her aesthetic concernsand professionals.

The interior of the store that runs Paloma in the sands./ Mireya López


Getxo, Bilbao, Moda