She created clothes for her daughters to color her and turned the idea into business

By : ujikiu / On : 07/10/2022

She is Lucía Guarín, the creator of a venture that emerged in a waiting room with a creative mother and two girls who needed to have fun.Photo: Courtesy

This, more than the business model or the idea itself, could summarize the trip that Lucia Guarín Valencia has lived, the entrepreneur who created Merrymakers: “With each dream, the more many more are born.I feel that with Merrymakers I have fulfilled several dreams;Since childhood I was interested in the arts and design but when I had to choose a career to study I was very afraid not to have a work way out with the design, but the dream was still latent there, with Merrymakers I have been able to fulfill that dream of being a designer learning littleSoon.When I worked accompanying foreign businessmen as an interpreter in their commercial visits to Colombia, I began to dream of being a great businesswoman one day, and with Merrymakers I am starting to travel that path.When I worked at Lafayette visiting companies in the United States, I imagined how wonderful a company would have to reach such a large market and now I dream that my brand Legue to that market and many more, I dream of making some creative and innovative alliances,With getting unique products that have the effect Wow! ”.

Por eso, para conocer su historia, la entrevistamos para two3 preguntas para emprendedores y sus emprendimientos, y así describió su historia:

1.How old am I? That I studied?

I am 33 years old, I studied degree in modern languages and then a master's degree in marketing and commercial management.My career led me to be a translator and interpreter and then to have different commercial positions that made me fall in love with the business world.

two.What was my idea and when was born?What did I think?

When my daughters were small (1 and 3 years old) we were in a waiting room, and the wait was long, I invented many games and activities to keep them entertaining because I do not like using the cell phone as a distractor or loading everywhere lots of lots of lots oftoys.While I was looking for how to draw them it occurred to me that the solution for those situations: that they had a garment that in addition to sheltering them allowed to play, distract them and create.From that idea I began to design characters and try different garments until I took the first colored Merrymakers jacket on the air and in general the concept of playful fashion, "a hobby that is wearing".

3.How did I come true and take it to the facts?

I had just left my work in a textilera where I had learned the wonders that can be done with textile technology and taking advantage of that knowledge I started looking for allies in print and clothing until I managed to shape the garment.On the other hand, having my daughters always with me is a great advantage to prove the comfort and playful functions of the garments and the design of the characters, but also the economic support of my grandfather helped to make this dream come true.

4.Where did I take the money to put it to walk and how did I pay it?

When I already had my prototype ready to get to the market I no longer had much of my liquidation, so my grandfather, which has always been my sponsor to study and to undertake, lent me 5 million that became fifteen0 units of product and in theParticipation in the Ambardae fair where we launched the brand.That first fair was a total success, 130 of the fifteen0 units were sold and thus I managed to return that first investment in less time than expected.

Si está buscando más historias de emprendimientos, sus creadores y creadoras están aquí, en Emprendimiento y liderazgo de El Espectador.

5.What am I achieving with my entrepreneurship?What am I changing with my idea?

Merrymakers' purpose isEnjoy the time alone or accompanied while filling a jacket, a few stockings or while looking for words in a shirt, and as the brand grows and generates more recognition I am achieving that goal.During the confinement our garments became an ally to spend time at home, an ally for parents who had to share their work space with their young children who demand attention and entertainment, it also became a way of calming theanxiety and stress that pandemic caused in many children and adults.

6.I'm happy?

Ella creó ropa para que sus hijas la colorearan y convirtió la idea en negocio

I am absolutely happy! It makes me happy to see how my dreams and projects come true, and it makes me happier to bring happiness to others through my products, hence the name of the brand.Telling a child "This garment is colored" and seeing how her eyes are illuminated and the smile makes me very happy.Know other entrepreneurs with whom I share the creative spirit and the desire to grow, create, transform and fight for the projects gives me immense happiness that I only feel since I risked to undertake.

7.Would my entrepreneurship sell my company?

In spite of all the love that I have printed to each part of Merrymakers and that at this time I would like to continue directing its growth, I am aware that it is a business, and if selling it is a profitable option and can make my idea and my my idea andI also can grow, reproduce and reach many more people would have no problem detaching and seeing it fly.It would be a pride to know that the company I have built is so interesting that someone wants to buy it.

8.How hard was it for me to undertake?

Employment is a pleasure for me, of course that on the way problems and difficult moments arise, but I think that part of being an entrepreneur is to find a solution to those problems and move on with the satisfaction of having achieved it and having learned a lesson. El momento más difícil para mi fue empezar el two0two0 sin producto y sin dinero a causa de una estafa, pero buscando soluciones gané el premio Fedex a las Pequeñas y Medianas empresas, estructuré mi proyecto gracias al acompañamiento de la Cámara de Comercio, desarrollé nuevos productos y nuevas estrategias para sacar adelante la empresa y encontré muchos aliados que no hubiera salido a buscar de no ser por esa dificultad.

9.Did I fulfill my dream?What I'm I missing of?

With each dream, a few more are born.I feel that with Merrymakers I have fulfilled several dreams;Since childhood I was interested in the arts and design but when I had to choose a career to study I was very afraid not to have a work way out with the design, but the dream was still latent there, with Merrymakers I have been able to fulfill that dream of being a designer learning littleSoon.When I worked accompanying foreign businessmen as an interpreter in their commercial visits to Colombia, I began to dream of being a great businesswoman one day, and with Merrymakers I am starting to travel that path.When I worked at Lafayette visiting companies in the United States, I imagined how wonderful a company would have to reach such a large market and now I dream that my brand Legue to that market and many more, I dream of making some creative and innovative alliances,With getting unique products that have the effect Wow!

No deje de leer: Un ecommerce para campesinos, artesanos y consumidores conscientes

10.And now that? Whats Next?

I have an ideas bank of playful fashion products ready to come true, but I also have a strong expansion and internationalization plan that will allow me to expand the market and optimize production.

eleven.Is my venture scalable?

It is very scalable.The business model allows me to take advantage of the textile sector in the country to guarantee production, the products are easily sellable in a virtual and face -to -face way so with an ONMICANAL strategy it is scalable, and in the three years that I have been in the market I have in the market I haveSeen how the demand for innovative, multifunctional and ecoamigable products that educate and entertain without the need for a screen is growing, so I have all the stage in my favor to climb.

1two.To grow, would you receive investment from a stranger?Would you give it part of my company?

Yes, it would, with a fair negotiation for both parties and allow the company to climb, where the investor can contribute not only money but knowledge and experience to do this, a company of greatest impact.

13.What would you not do again?

"Put all the eggs in the same basket". Cuando perdí todo en Diciembre de two019, parte del problema fue que decidí apostarle a dejar casi toda la producción de fin de año en consignación en usa sola tienda, y cuando esa tienda no respondió ni con producto, ni con dinero yo me quedé con las manos vacías.Now I know that it is better to diversify the source of income, sales channels and have a more varied portfolio.

14.Who inspired me?Who would I like to follow?

Marie Foro inspired me, after reading about her concept of "multipasionate entertainthey;That gave me the confidence to continue and do the things that always interested me.

On the other hand, I am inspired to see all Colombian companies grow that I have been knowing along the way, I inspired every time an entrepreneur opens a new point of sale, opens a new channel or enters a new market, I am inspired to know stories ofMoms who, like me, decided to undertake to fulfill their professional dreams while accompanied the growth of their children, inspire the stories of entrepreneurs who gave their lives to do what they like or found the egg chickenof gold in the craziest ideas that reached their minds.

fifteen.Did I fail at any time?I thought about throwing in the towel?

With the beginning of the pandemic I thought about throwing in the towel and looking for a job again but my instinct told me that I should try again, I remembered the stories of so many companies that turned their business around after wars or later or laterof a change in demand and returned to take strength to redesign everything, to seek financing so that the world knew Merrymakers.

Puede interesarle este emprendimiento: Con un marranito y muchas monedas le ayudan a ahorrar de forma digital

16.Do I be part of some kind of community that helps me in this path of undertaking?

I am part of Bazzarbog and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá who have been great allies in the face -to -face reactivation and training in all the topics in which I have needed to strengthen, I also part of the Network of Facebook leaders who have helped me with ideas,Contacts and training to boost and make my business in the digital world visible, additionally I am part of several groups of social media entrepreneurs who always become support in moments of blockade.But it also seems to me that the strongest community is what we are building along the way;The family that always supports with their presence and motivation, the suppliers that work hand inThey always have beautiful words to share, and all the companions that I know in fairs, events, networks with whom we have built an invisible support network where we do not see competition but allies and friends and friends.

17.What am I doing it?Can you impact new generations?

I feel that giving the tools to the children to create at the time they want from the garments that are wearing, transcends in life, teaches them to find value and fun in the small things they have at hand, give thePades A garment to share with family or to entertain children healthy while they take care of other issues, transcends to improve family relationships.

18.How do I see myself in 10 years and how do I see my entrepreneurship, my company?

In 10 years I see myself making a reality other business projects that I have in mind because at that time I see Merrymakers already consolidated, strong, operating in several countries and recognized as "a hobby that is being put on".

Si está buscando más historias de emprendimientos, sus creadores y creadoras están aquí, en Emprendimiento y liderazgo de El Espectador.

19.What role have my family and friends played?

My family has been the official sponsor of this project, they have invested, they have encouraged me, it has been the greatest critics and the greatest motivators, they have helped me to launch because I know that I can always count on them;My mom with her presence at all times, my grandfather with her investment, my husband with logistics, my aunt repairing the defective production and my daughters that are an essential part of the process because they are inspiration, generating ideas, quality controllators of quality ofbrand products and designs, models and ambassadors.My friends have been my first customers, my personal motivators who always get a minute to tell me how much they like what I do and give me all their support even to load boxes.

two0.I did it.Would you help other entrepreneurs to achieve it?

Of course!I feel that it is a duty to help others to achieve their purposes, and I really enjoy when someone who is starting or has a block approaches me looking for answers or advice, those conversations in which I can share with someone else everything I have learned areVery valuable for me, I feel that knowledge is to share it.

two1.What role did my team play?Who?

My team is my daughters and I in the essential part of the business, but also the network of suppliers in design, stamping, clothing and marketing that have played a very important role for the brand to work, which the products go to the market and formake all the ideas that occur to us come true.Other members of the team that have been valuable are the vendors who in events and fairs transmit all the love of the brand to each customer who approaches the stand and help the sales increase with their good disposition.

twotwo.What is my personal seal?What differentiates me from the rest?

My personal stamp is the wow effect.I love creating products and experiences that surprise, have more than one use. MerryMakers es un pasatiempo que se lleva puesto, son prendas que permitan vivir toda una experiencia al vestirlas y me encanta llevar ese efecto Wow no solo a las prendas, tambien a las ferias a las que asistimos, a las publicaciones que hacemos, a las campañas de activación de marca como la chaqueta coloreable Gigante que llevamos al Festival Artifice en two019 o nuestro stand coloreable en la feria del Hogar two0two1.

two3.What have I learned from all this?

I have learned that even the craziest ideas can come true and can be sold, but it is necessary to educate, train, plan and study.I have learned that both large and small companies, and both large and small people have something important to say and always win when the door opens to listen to them.I have learned that the most important thing is to start to be able to evolve and that you do not have to sit down to wait for opportunities to appear, you have to create them.

Si conoce historias de emprendedores y sus emprendimientos, escríbanos al correo de Edwin Bohórquez Aya ( o al de Tatiana Gómez Fuentes (